bible quiz questions with answers

Bible questions with answers from the books of Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah reveal profound insights into God’s judgment, mercy, and the fate of nations. Explore these questions to deepen your understanding of these prophetic books and their messages.

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1. What is the primary theme of the Book of Micah?

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Answer: Social Justice and the Coming of a Ruler

Details: The Book of Micah addresses issues of social injustice and corruption while also prophesying the coming of a ruler from Bethlehem who will shepherd the people. See

[Micah 5:2]


2. What city does Nahum prophesy will fall, and why?

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Answer: Nineveh; Because of Its Wickedness

Details: Nahum prophesies the fall of Nineveh due to its cruelty and wickedness, affirming God’s judgment against the city. See

[Nahum 1:1-3]


3. What question does Habakkuk ask God regarding the suffering of the righteous?

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Answer: Why Does God Allow the Righteous to Suffer?

Details: Habakkuk questions why God allows the righteous to suffer while the wicked prosper, seeking answers to the problem of injustice. See

[Habakkuk 1:2-4]


4. What is Zephaniah’s message regarding the Day of the Lord?

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Answer: It Will Be a Day of Darkness and Judgment

Details: Zephaniah describes the Day of the Lord as a day of darkness and judgment for the whole earth, highlighting its severity. See

[Zephaniah 1:15]


5. According to Micah, what will the Lord require of His people?

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Answer: To Act Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly

Details: Micah 6:8 summarizes what the Lord requires of His people: to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God. See

[Micah 6:8]


6. What metaphor does Nahum use to describe the destruction of Nineveh?

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Answer: A Devouring Flood

Details: Nahum uses the metaphor of a devouring flood to describe the complete and overwhelming destruction that will come upon Nineveh. See

[Nahum 1:8]


7. How does Habakkuk describe the Babylonians in his vision?

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Answer: As a Ruthless and Impetuous Nation

Details: Habakkuk describes the Babylonians as a ruthless and impetuous nation, emphasizing their power and the threat they pose. See

[Habakkuk 1:6]


8. What does Zephaniah 3:17 say about the Lord’s attitude toward His people?

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Answer: The Lord Will Rejoice Over Them with Singing

Details: Zephaniah 3:17 expresses that the Lord will rejoice over His people with gladness and singing, showing His deep love and delight. See

[Zephaniah 3:17]


9. What is the significance of Micah 4:1-3 in relation to the future of Zion?

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Answer: Zion Will Be the Center of Worship for All Nations

Details: Micah 4:1-3 prophesies that in the last days, Zion will become the center of worship and peace for all nations. See

[Micah 4:1-3]


10. What does Nahum 3:19 say about the impact of Nineveh’s fall?

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Answer: It Will Be a Source of Mourning for All Nations

Details: Nahum 3:19 indicates that the fall of Nineveh will bring mourning and despair to the nations who had been affected by its rule. See

[Nahum 3:19]


11. How does Habakkuk describe God’s response to his complaints?

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Answer: God Promises to Judge the Wicked and Deliver the Righteous

Details: God responds to Habakkuk’s complaints by promising to judge the wicked and ultimately deliver the righteous, although His ways may be mysterious. See

[Habakkuk 2:4]


12. What does Zephaniah 1:2-3 prophesy about the destruction of the earth?

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Answer: God Will Sweep Away All Life

Details: Zephaniah 1:2-3 prophesies that God will sweep away all life from the earth, including humans and animals, as part of His judgment. See

[Zephaniah 1:2-3]


13. In Micah 1:3-4, what natural phenomena are used to describe God’s coming judgment?

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Answer: Earthquake and Volcanic Eruptions

Details: Micah 1:3-4 uses imagery of an earthquake and volcanic eruptions to depict the powerful and destructive nature of God’s judgment. See

[Micah 1:3-4]


14. How does Nahum 2:2 describe the restoration of Judah?

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Answer: The Lord Will Restore the Splendor of Judah

Details: Nahum 2:2 prophesies that after Nineveh’s destruction, the Lord will restore the splendor of Judah, making it a place of honor again. See

[Nahum 2:2]


15. What does Habakkuk 2:14 say about the earth and the knowledge of the Lord?

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Answer: The Earth Will Be Filled with the Knowledge of the Lord

Details: Habakkuk 2:14 promises that the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea, highlighting God’s future reign. See

[Habakkuk 2:14]


16. What does Zephaniah 2:1-3 call the people of Judah to do?

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Answer: Seek Righteousness and Humility

Details: Zephaniah 2:1-3 calls the people of Judah to seek righteousness and humility in hopes of being spared from the coming judgment. See

[Zephaniah 2:1-3]


17. What does Micah 7:6 say about family relationships in times of distress?

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Answer: They Will Be Marked by Betrayal

Details: Micah 7:6 describes a time of distress where family relationships will be marked by betrayal and conflict, reflecting a breakdown in social order. See

[Micah 7:6]


18. How does Nahum 3:5 depict God’s judgment against Nineveh?

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Answer: As a Fierce and Unrelenting Force

Details: Nahum 3:5 depicts God’s judgment against Nineveh as fierce and unrelenting, emphasizing the totality of the destruction that will come upon it. See

[Nahum 3:5]


19. What does Habakkuk 1:11 say about the Babylonians’ character?

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Answer: They Are a Violent and Proud People

Details: Habakkuk 1:11 describes the Babylonians as violent and proud, which contributes to their eventual judgment by God. See

[Habakkuk 1:11]


20. What does Zephaniah 3:8 call upon the nations to do before the Day of the Lord?

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Answer: Wait and See the Lord’s Judgment

Details: Zephaniah 3:8 calls upon the nations to wait and see the Lord’s judgment, signaling that the day of reckoning is coming. See

[Zephaniah 3:8]


21. What does Micah 4:5 say about the people’s reliance on God?

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Answer: All Nations Will Walk in the Name of the Lord

Details: Micah 4:5 states that all nations will walk in the name of the Lord our God, reflecting a universal acknowledgment of His sovereignty. See

[Micah 4:5]


22. How does Nahum 1:7 describe God’s relationship with His people?

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Answer: The Lord is a Stronghold in Times of Trouble

Details: Nahum 1:7 describes the Lord as a stronghold and refuge for those who trust in Him, providing protection in times of trouble. See

[Nahum 1:7]


23. What does Habakkuk 2:6-7 say about the fate of the greedy and dishonest?

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Answer: They Will Face Reproach and Destruction

Details: Habakkuk 2:6-7 warns that those who are greedy and dishonest will face reproach and destruction, as their ill-gotten gains will not protect them. See

[Habakkuk 2:6-7]


24. How does Zephaniah 2:5 describe the fate of the Philistines?

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Answer: They Will Be Destroyed

Details: Zephaniah 2:5 prophesies the destruction of the Philistines, indicating that their cities will be desolated. See

[Zephaniah 2:5]


25. What does Micah 2:1 condemn regarding the actions of the wealthy?

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Answer: They Plot Injustice and Oppress the Poor

Details: Micah 2:1 condemns the wealthy for plotting injustice and oppressing the poor, highlighting social and economic corruption. See

[Micah 2:1]


26. How does Nahum 3:10 describe the fall of Nineveh?

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Answer: The City Will Be Completely Overwhelmed

Details: Nahum 3:10 describes Nineveh’s fall as complete and overwhelming, showing the extent of the destruction and desolation. See

[Nahum 3:10]


27. What does Habakkuk 2:20 say about God’s presence in the temple?

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Answer: The Lord is in His Holy Temple; Let All the Earth Be Silent

Details: Habakkuk 2:20 emphasizes that the Lord is in His holy temple and calls for silence before Him, acknowledging His supreme authority. See

[Habakkuk 2:20]


28. What does Zephaniah 1:6 say about the people who turn away from the Lord?

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Answer: They Will Face Destruction

Details: Zephaniah 1:6 warns that those who turn away from seeking the Lord and do not seek Him will face destruction. See

[Zephaniah 1:6]


29. What does Micah 3:11 say about the leaders of Israel?

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Answer: They Are Corrupt and Accept Bribes

Details: Micah 3:11 criticizes Israel’s leaders for being corrupt and accepting bribes, failing to lead with justice and righteousness. See

[Micah 3:11]


30. How does Nahum 1:2 describe the nature of God’s anger?

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Answer: The Lord is Jealous and Avenging

Details: Nahum 1:2 describes God’s anger as being both jealous and avenging, indicating His fierce opposition to evil and injustice. See

[Nahum 1:2]


31. What does Habakkuk 2:9 say about the greedy man?

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Answer: He is Woe to Himself and Will Face Judgment

Details: Habakkuk 2:9 warns that the greedy man who gains wealth unjustly will bring woe upon himself and face judgment. See

[Habakkuk 2:9]


32. What does Zephaniah 2:9 say about Moab and Ammon?

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Answer: They Will Be Overthrown

Details: Zephaniah 2:9 prophesies that Moab and Ammon will be overthrown, demonstrating God’s judgment against these nations. See

[Zephaniah 2:9]


33. What does Micah 4:10 say about the future suffering of Zion?

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Answer: Zion Will Experience Labor Pains Before Deliverance

Details: Micah 4:10 uses the metaphor of labor pains to describe the suffering Zion will endure before experiencing deliverance and restoration. See

[Micah 4:10]


34. How does Nahum 2:1 depict the defenders of Nineveh?

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Answer: They Are Failing and Overwhelmed

Details: Nahum 2:1 depicts the defenders of Nineveh as failing and overwhelmed, indicating their inability to prevent the city’s destruction. See

[Nahum 2:1]


35. What does Habakkuk 1:13 say about God’s judgment and the wicked?

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Answer: God’s Eyes Are Too Pure to Tolerate Evil

Details: Habakkuk 1:13 asserts that God’s eyes are too pure to look upon evil, which underscores His intolerance of wickedness and corruption. See

[Habakkuk 1:13]


36. What does Zephaniah 2:3 encourage the righteous to do?

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Answer: Seek the Lord and Be Humble

Details: Zephaniah 2:3 encourages the righteous to seek the Lord and practice humility in anticipation of His judgment and deliverance. See

[Zephaniah 2:3]


37. What does Micah 3:12 say will happen to the temple of Jerusalem?

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Answer: It Will Be Plowed Like a Field

Details: Micah 3:12 prophesies that Jerusalem’s temple will be destroyed and its site plowed like a field as a consequence of the people’s actions. See

[Micah 3:12]


38. How does Nahum 2:8 describe the situation in Nineveh during its fall?

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Answer: Nineveh is Like a Pool Whose Waters Are Draining Away

Details: Nahum 2:8 describes Nineveh as a pool whose waters are draining away, symbolizing its impending collapse and loss of strength. See

[Nahum 2:8]


39. What is Habakkuk’s response to God’s promise in Habakkuk 2:14?

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Answer: He Waits for the Vision to Be Fulfilled

Details: Habakkuk’s response to God’s promise that the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord is one of anticipation and patience, waiting for the vision to be fulfilled. See

[Habakkuk 2:14]


40. What does Zephaniah 2:7 say about the remnant of Judah?

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Answer: They Will Find Pasture and Prosper

Details: Zephaniah 2:7 promises that the remnant of Judah will find pasture and prosper, indicating a future of restoration and blessing. See

[Zephaniah 2:7]


41. What does Micah 6:3-5 recount about the Lord’s relationship with Israel?

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Answer: It Recounts His Deliverance and Faithfulness

Details: Micah 6:3-5 recounts how the Lord has been faithful and delivered Israel from bondage, urging them to remember His past acts of deliverance. See

[Micah 6:3-5]


42. How does Nahum 1:9 describe the efforts to oppose the Lord’s plans?

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Answer: They Will Be Devoured

Details: Nahum 1:9 states that those who plot against the Lord’s plans will be devoured, emphasizing the futility of opposing divine will. See

[Nahum 1:9]


43. What does Habakkuk 3:17-19 express about Habakkuk’s faith despite difficulties?

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Answer: He Rejoices in the Lord Despite Adversity

Details: Habakkuk 3:17-19 expresses that even though there are difficulties and lack of resources, Habakkuk will rejoice in the Lord and find strength in Him. See

[Habakkuk 3:17-19]


44. How does Zephaniah 1:16 describe the Day of the Lord?

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Answer: A Day of Wrath and Distress

Details: Zephaniah 1:16 describes the Day of the Lord as a day of wrath, distress, and anguish, highlighting the severity of God’s judgment. See

[Zephaniah 1:16]


45. What does Micah 4:11-12 say about the intentions of the nations against Zion?

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Answer: The Nations Plot Against Zion

Details: Micah 4:11-12 prophesies that many nations will gather and plot against Zion, but their plans will ultimately be thwarted by God. See

[Micah 4:11-12]


46. What is the fate of Nineveh as foretold in Nahum 3:19?

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Answer: It Will Be a Source of Lament

Details: Nahum 3:19 foretells that Nineveh’s fall will be a source of lament and sorrow for those who once relied on it, reflecting its utter destruction. See

[Nahum 3:19]


47. How does Habakkuk 2:6 describe the fate of those who accumulate wealth unjustly?

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Answer: They Will Face Destruction and Reproach

Details: Habakkuk 2:6 warns that those who accumulate wealth through unjust means will face destruction and reproach, as their ill-gotten gains will not save them. See

[Habakkuk 2:6]


48. What does Zephaniah 3:12 promise about the humble and lowly in Israel?

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Answer: They Will Be Protected and Blessed

Details: Zephaniah 3:12 promises that the humble and lowly in Israel will be protected and blessed by God, showing favor towards those who remain faithful. See

[Zephaniah 3:12]


49. What does Micah 7:18 highlight about God’s character?

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Answer: God is Compassionate and Forgiving

Details: Micah 7:18 highlights that God is compassionate, forgiving, and delights in showing mercy rather than holding on to anger. See

[Micah 7:18]


50. What does Nahum 3:5 say about the Lord’s judgment on Nineveh?

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Answer: The Lord Will Make Nineveh an Object of Scorn

Details: Nahum 3:5 describes how the Lord will make Nineveh an object of scorn and ridicule, emphasizing the extent of its downfall. See

[Nahum 3:5]


51. What does Habakkuk 2:3 say about the fulfillment of visions?

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Answer: The Vision Will Speak and Will Not Lie

Details: Habakkuk 2:3 assures that the vision will speak and will not lie, indicating that the promises of God’s judgment and deliverance will come to pass in their appointed time. See

[Habakkuk 2:3]


52. What is the ultimate purpose of Zephaniah’s prophecies about judgment?

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Answer: To Call for Repentance and Restoration

Details: The ultimate purpose of Zephaniah’s prophecies is to call the people to repentance and prepare them for restoration after judgment. See

[Zephaniah 3:1-20]


53. What does Micah 5:7-8 prophesy about the future of Israel?

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Answer: Israel Will Be a Source of Blessing for the Nations

Details: Micah 5:7-8 prophesies that Israel will be a source of blessing and strength for the nations, reflecting its restored and favored status. See

[Micah 5:7-8]


54. How does Nahum 2:4 describe Nineveh’s defenses during its fall?

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Answer: Its Defenses Will Be Overwhelmed

Details: Nahum 2:4 describes Nineveh’s defenses as being overwhelmed, symbolizing the city’s complete inability to withstand the impending destruction. See

[Nahum 2:4]


55. What does Habakkuk 3:2 express about God’s actions in the past?

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Answer: It Expresses Awe and Praise for God’s Past Deeds

Details: Habakkuk 3:2 expresses awe and praise for the Lord’s past deeds, reflecting the prophet’s reverence for God’s previous acts of deliverance and power. See

[Habakkuk 3:2]


56. How does Zephaniah 1:4-6 describe the cause of God’s judgment?

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Answer: It Describes the Idolatry and Apostasy of the People

Details: Zephaniah 1:4-6 describes God’s judgment as a response to the idolatry and apostasy of the people, who have turned away from true worship. See

[Zephaniah 1:4-6]


57. What does Micah 4:6-7 prophesy about the future state of the people of God?

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Answer: The Lord Will Gather the Lame and the Outcast

Details: Micah 4:6-7 prophesies that the Lord will gather the lame and the outcast, bringing them to a place of security and restoration, reflecting His care for the marginalized. See

[Micah 4:6-7]


58. How does Nahum 1:14 describe the fate of Nineveh’s idols?

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Answer: Their Idols Will Be Cut Off

Details: Nahum 1:14 prophesies that Nineveh’s idols will be cut off and destroyed, indicating the total eradication of their false worship and idolatry. See

[Nahum 1:14]


59. What does Habakkuk 1:16-17 say about the Babylonians’ reliance on their own strength?

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Answer: They Rely on Their Own Strength and Abound in Idolatry

Details: Habakkuk 1:16-17 describes the Babylonians as relying on their own strength and abounding in idolatry, which leads to their eventual downfall. See

[Habakkuk 1:16-17]


60. How does Zephaniah 3:20 describe the future of God’s people?

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Answer: They Will Be Restored and Celebrated

Details: Zephaniah 3:20 prophesies that God’s people will be restored and celebrated, indicating a future of joy and blessing after their period of judgment. See

[Zephaniah 3:20]




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