bible trivia questions with answers for adults

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1. Who was the first person to be given a name by God in the book of Genesis?

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Answer: Abraham

[Genesis 17.5]

In Genesis 17:5, God changes Abram’s name to Abraham, meaning “father of many nations.”

2. What was the purpose of the twelve stones placed by Joshua in the Jordan River?

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Answer: To serve as a memorial

[Joshua 4.6-7]

In Joshua 4:6-7, the twelve stones were set up to remember the Israelites’ crossing of the Jordan River.

3. What was the specific command God gave to Noah regarding the ark’s construction?

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Answer: To make it with rooms and cover it inside and out with pitch

[Genesis 6.14]

In Genesis 6:14, Noah is instructed to build the ark with specific dimensions and protection.

4. How long did the rain last during the flood in Noah’s time?

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Answer: Forty days and forty nights

[Genesis 7.12]

Genesis 7:12 describes the duration of the rain that covered the earth.

5. What was the name of Moses’ father-in-law who was a priest of Midian?

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Answer: Jethro

[Exodus 3.1]

Exodus 3:1 refers to Jethro as Moses’ father-in-law and priest of Midian.

6. Which plague was the last one that led Pharaoh to release the Israelites from Egypt?

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Answer: The death of the firstborn

[Exodus 12.29]

Exodus 12:29 details how this final plague caused Pharaoh to relent.

7. What specific laws were given in Leviticus regarding the treatment of lepers?

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Answer: They must live outside the camp and cover their upper lip

[Leviticus 13.45-46]

Leviticus 13:45-46 contains these instructions for dealing with leprosy.

8. In Leviticus, what is the purpose of the Day of Atonement?

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Answer: To make atonement for the sins of the people

[Leviticus 16.30]

Leviticus 16:30 outlines the Day of Atonement’s purpose.

9. How many men were sent by Moses to scout the land of Canaan?

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Answer: Twelve

[Numbers 13.2]

Numbers 13:2 states that twelve spies were sent to explore Canaan.

10. What was the outcome of the report given by ten of the twelve spies about the land of Canaan?

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Answer: They gave a bad report and spread fear among the Israelites

[Numbers 13.32]

Numbers 13:32 describes the negative report that led to the Israelites’ fear.

11. Who were the two spies that gave a positive report about the land of Canaan?

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Answer: Joshua and Caleb

[Numbers 14.6-9]

Numbers 14:6-9 highlights Joshua and Caleb’s faithful report.

12. What did Moses do when he struck the rock instead of speaking to it as commanded?

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Answer: Water came out, but he was punished for his disobedience

[Numbers 20.11-12]

Numbers 20:11-12 recounts this incident and Moses’ resulting punishment.

13. What were the dimensions of the tabernacle’s courtyard according to Exodus?

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Answer: 100 cubits long and 50 cubits wide

[Exodus 27.18]

Exodus 27:18 provides the measurements of the tabernacle’s courtyard.

14. How was the sin of a person who inadvertently sinned addressed in Leviticus?

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Answer: Through a sin offering

[Leviticus 4.2-3]

Leviticus 4:2-3 explains the procedure for sin offerings.

15. What was the name of Moses’ sister?

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Answer: Miriam

[Exodus 15.20]

Exodus 15:20 refers to Miriam as Moses’ sister.

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