bible questions with answers for kids

Bible questions with answers are ready for you to explore in this fascinating collection! Delve into the prophetic and poetic richness of the books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, and Ezekiel.

Perfect for deepening your biblical knowledge or prepping for a study session, these questions offer a detailed look at the themes, prophecies, and historical contexts of these profound texts.

Test your understanding and enrich your study of these pivotal scriptures!

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1. What is the primary theme of the Book of Isaiah?

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Answer: Judgment and Restoration

Details: The Book of Isaiah primarily deals with themes of judgment against Israel and the nations, as well as promises of restoration and the coming of a messianic kingdom. See

[Isaiah 1:1-2]


2. What vision does Isaiah have in Isaiah 6?

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Answer: Vision of the Lord’s Holiness

Details: Isaiah has a vision of the Lord sitting on a throne, surrounded by seraphim, and he is overwhelmed by the Lord’s holiness and his own unworthiness. See

[Isaiah 6:1-5]


3. How does Isaiah describe the Messiah in Isaiah 9:6?

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Answer: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace

Details: Isaiah prophesies that the Messiah will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. See

[Isaiah 9:6]


4. What metaphor is used to describe the coming peace in Isaiah 11?

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Answer: The Wolf Will Dwell with the Lamb

Details: Isaiah uses the metaphor of a wolf dwelling with a lamb to symbolize the peace and harmony that will come with the Messiah’s reign. See

[Isaiah 11:6]


5. What promise does God make about Israel’s future in Isaiah 43:19?

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Answer: A New Thing

Details: God promises to do a new thing for Israel, making a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. See

[Isaiah 43:19]


6. How does Isaiah describe the suffering servant in Isaiah 53?

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Answer: Pierced for Our Transgressions

Details: The suffering servant is described as being pierced for our transgressions and crushed for our iniquities, bearing the punishment that brings us peace. See

[Isaiah 53:5]


7. What does Isaiah 40:31 promise to those who hope in the Lord?

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Answer: Renewed Strength

Details: Isaiah promises that those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength, soar on wings like eagles, run and not grow weary, walk and not be faint. See

[Isaiah 40:31]


8. What is the significance of the “branch” in Isaiah 4:2?

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Answer: The Messiah

Details: The “branch” refers to the Messiah, a shoot from the stump of Jesse, signifying the coming of a new leader from the line of David. See

[Isaiah 4:2]


9. What does Isaiah 55:1 invite people to do?

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Answer: Come to the Waters

Details: Isaiah invites everyone who is thirsty to come to the waters, symbolizing an invitation to receive God’s blessings and sustenance freely. See

[Isaiah 55:1]


10. What does Isaiah 61:1 say about the Messiah’s mission?

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Answer: To Proclaim Good News

Details: Isaiah 61:1 states that the Messiah is anointed to proclaim good news to the poor, bind up the brokenhearted, and set the captives free. See

[Isaiah 61:1]



11. What is the main message of the Book of Jeremiah?

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Answer: Warning and Judgment

Details: The Book of Jeremiah focuses on warning the people of Judah about impending judgment due to their disobedience, and it also includes messages of hope for restoration. See

[Jeremiah 1:10]


12. What is the “new covenant” that Jeremiah prophesies in Jeremiah 31:31?

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Answer: A Covenant Written on Hearts

Details: Jeremiah prophesies that the new covenant will be written on the hearts of the people, signifying a more intimate relationship with God. See

[Jeremiah 31:31-33]


13. What does Jeremiah 29:11 promise to the exiles in Babylon?

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Answer: A Hope and a Future

Details: Jeremiah 29:11 promises that God has plans to give the exiles a hope and a future, despite their current suffering. See

[Jeremiah 29:11]


14. What does the “potter’s house” parable in Jeremiah 18 teach about God’s sovereignty?

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Answer: God’s Ability to Re-shape Nations

Details: The parable teaches that God, like a potter, has the power to reshape nations and individuals according to His will. See

[Jeremiah 18:1-6]


15. How does Jeremiah describe the false prophets in Jeremiah 23?

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Answer: They Mislead the People

Details: Jeremiah condemns the false prophets for misleading the people and not speaking the truth. See

[Jeremiah 23:16]


16. What does Jeremiah 7:23 say about obeying God’s commands?

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Answer: Obeying God’s Voice

Details: Jeremiah 7:23 emphasizes that God’s command is to obey His voice and follow His instructions as a way to receive His blessings. See

[Jeremiah 7:23]


17. What does Jeremiah 2:13 say about forsaking God?

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Answer: It is Like a Broken Cistern

Details: Forsaking God is compared to a broken cistern that cannot hold water, symbolizing the emptiness of idolatry and turning away from God. See

[Jeremiah 2:13]


18. What does Jeremiah 33:3 promise about seeking God?

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Answer: God Will Answer and Show Great Things

Details: Jeremiah 33:3 promises that if you call to God, He will answer you and show you great and unsearchable things. See

[Jeremiah 33:3]


19. How is the suffering of Jerusalem depicted in Lamentations?

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Answer: As a Result of God’s Wrath

Details: Lamentations depicts the suffering of Jerusalem as a consequence of God’s wrath due to the people’s sins. See

[Lamentations 2:1-5]


20. What does Lamentations 3:22-23 say about God’s mercies?

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Answer: They Are New Every Morning

Details: Lamentations 3:22-23 affirms that God’s mercies are new every morning, reflecting His faithfulness and compassion. See

[Lamentations 3:22-23]



21. What is the main theme of the Book of Ezekiel?

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Answer: Judgment and Restoration

Details: The Book of Ezekiel deals with themes of judgment against Israel and the nations, as well as visions of future restoration and a new temple. See

[Ezekiel 1:1]


22. What vision does Ezekiel have in Ezekiel 37?

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Answer: The Valley of Dry Bones

Details: Ezekiel has a vision of a valley full of dry bones that come to life, symbolizing the restoration of Israel from exile. See

[Ezekiel 37:1-10]


23. What does Ezekiel 36:26 promise about the new heart?

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Answer: A New Heart and Spirit

Details: Ezekiel 36:26 promises that God will give the people a new heart and a new spirit, removing their heart of stone and replacing it with a heart of flesh. See

[Ezekiel 36:26]


24. What is the significance of the “wheel within a wheel” in Ezekiel 1?

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Answer: The Complex Nature of God’s Presence

Details: The “wheel within a wheel” symbolizes the complex and dynamic nature of God’s presence and the divine chariot. See

[Ezekiel 1:15-21]


25. How does Ezekiel describe the future temple in Ezekiel 40-48?

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Answer: Detailed Vision of a Restored Temple

Details: Ezekiel describes a detailed vision of a restored temple, with precise measurements and rituals, symbolizing God’s future presence among His people. See

[Ezekiel 40-48]


26. What does Ezekiel 18:30 encourage people to do?

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Answer: Repent and Turn from Sins

Details: Ezekiel 18:30 encourages people to repent, turn from their offenses, and get a new heart and spirit to avoid punishment. See

[Ezekiel 18:30]


27. How does Ezekiel 16 describe Jerusalem’s unfaithfulness?

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Answer: As Adultery and Idolatry

Details: Ezekiel 16 uses the metaphor of unfaithfulness and adultery to describe Jerusalem’s idolatry and betrayal of God. See

[Ezekiel 16:15-22]


28. What does Ezekiel 22:30 highlight about the need for a righteous leader?

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Answer: Seeking a Man to Stand in the Gap

Details: Ezekiel 22:30 highlights God’s search for a man to stand in the gap and intercede for the land to prevent destruction. See

[Ezekiel 22:30]


29. What does Ezekiel 34:23-24 promise about the shepherd of Israel?

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Answer: A Shepherd from David’s Line

Details: Ezekiel 34:23-24 promises that God will place a shepherd over Israel from David’s line, referring to a future messianic leader. See

[Ezekiel 34:23-24]


30. What is the message of the Book of Lamentations?

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Answer: Mourning and Reflection on Jerusalem’s Destruction

Details: The Book of Lamentations is a series of mournful reflections and laments over the destruction of Jerusalem and the suffering of its people. See

[Lamentations 1:1]


Additional Questions

31. What does Isaiah 61:3 promise to those who mourn?

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Answer: Beauty Instead of Ashes

Details: Isaiah 61:3 promises that those who mourn will receive a crown of beauty instead of ashes, symbolizing transformation and comfort. See

[Isaiah 61:3]


32. What does Jeremiah 17:9 say about the human heart?

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Answer: Deceitful Above All Things

Details: Jeremiah 17:9 describes the human heart as deceitful above all things and desperately wicked, highlighting the need for God’s guidance. See

[Jeremiah 17:9]


33. What does Ezekiel 24:15-17 say about the death of Ezekiel’s wife?

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Answer: A Sign of Jerusalem’s Destruction

Details: Ezekiel 24:15-17 describes the death of Ezekiel’s wife as a sign and symbol of the coming destruction of Jerusalem, where people will suffer but not mourn openly. See

[Ezekiel 24:15-17]


34. What does Lamentations 3:39 say about human suffering?

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Answer: It Is Not from the Mouth of the Most High

Details: Lamentations 3:39 suggests that human suffering and affliction do not come from the will of the Most High but are a result of human actions. See

[Lamentations 3:39]


35. What does Isaiah 55:6 advise people to do?

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Answer: Seek the Lord

Details: Isaiah 55:6 advises people to seek the Lord while He may be found and call on Him while He is near. See

[Isaiah 55:6]


36. What does Jeremiah 1:5 say about Jeremiah’s calling?

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Answer: Appointed as a Prophet

Details: Jeremiah 1:5 states that God appointed Jeremiah as a prophet to the nations even before he was born. See

[Jeremiah 1:5]


37. What is the “new heart” metaphor used for in Ezekiel 36?

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Answer: Spiritual Renewal

Details: The “new heart” metaphor represents spiritual renewal and transformation that God will bring to His people. See

[Ezekiel 36:26]


38. What does Ezekiel 10 describe about the glory of the Lord?

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Answer: The Glory Departing from the Temple

Details: Ezekiel 10 describes the departure of the glory of the Lord from the temple in Jerusalem as a sign of impending judgment. See

[Ezekiel 10:18-19]


39. How does the Book of Lamentations describe God’s wrath?

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Answer: As Heavy and Unrelenting

Details: The Book of Lamentations describes God’s wrath as heavy and unrelenting, emphasizing the severity of the consequences of Jerusalem’s sins. See

[Lamentations 2:1]


40. What does Isaiah 40:1-2 say about comfort for God’s people?

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Answer: Comfort and Peace

Details: Isaiah 40:1-2 calls for comfort for God’s people and the end of their hardship, preparing them for a message of peace and restoration. See

[Isaiah 40:1-2]


41. What is the symbolic meaning of the “watchman” in Ezekiel 33?

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Answer: A Spiritual Leader and Warning Figure

Details: The “watchman” symbolizes a spiritual leader who is responsible for warning the people of impending danger and guiding them to righteousness. See

[Ezekiel 33:7-9]


42. What does Jeremiah 8:22 ask about healing?

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Answer: Is There No Balm in Gilead?

Details: Jeremiah 8:22 laments that there is no balm in Gilead, symbolizing the lack of healing for the wounds of the people, both physically and spiritually. See

[Jeremiah 8:22]


43. What is the significance of the “locusts” in Joel’s prophecy?

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Answer: A Symbol of Judgment and Devastation

Details: In Joel’s prophecy, locusts symbolize judgment and devastation, representing a consuming force sent by God as a warning to the people. See

[Joel 1:4]


44. What does Lamentations 1:18 express about the nature of Jerusalem’s suffering?

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Answer: It is Just and the Result of the People’s Sin

Details: Lamentations 1:18 expresses that Jerusalem’s suffering is just and a result of the people’s sin, acknowledging God’s righteousness in judgment. See

[Lamentations 1:18]


45. How is the “new creation” theme expressed in Isaiah 65:17?

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Answer: Creation of New Heavens and a New Earth

Details: Isaiah 65:17 expresses the theme of a new creation, where God promises to create new heavens and a new earth, bringing joy and peace. See

[Isaiah 65:17]


46. What does Ezekiel 33:11 say about God’s desire for repentance?

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Answer: God Desires the Wicked to Turn from Their Ways

Details: Ezekiel 33:11 reveals that God desires the wicked to turn from their ways and live, emphasizing His compassion and desire for repentance. See

[Ezekiel 33:11]


47. What does Jeremiah 23:1-4 promise about future shepherds?

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Answer: Good Shepherds Who Will Care for God’s People

Details: Jeremiah 23:1-4 promises that God will raise up good shepherds who will care for His people and lead them to safety and prosperity. See

[Jeremiah 23:1-4]


48. What does Ezekiel 16:49-50 list as the sins of Sodom?

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Answer: Arrogance, Indifference to the Poor, and Abominations

Details: Ezekiel 16:49-50 lists arrogance, indifference to the poor and needy, and committing abominations as the sins of Sodom. See

[Ezekiel 16:49-50]


49. What does Isaiah 55:10-11 compare the word of God to?

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Answer: Rain and Snow

Details: Isaiah 55:10-11 compares the word of God to rain and snow, illustrating how it waters the earth and accomplishes God’s purposes. See

[Isaiah 55:10-11]


50. What does Lamentations 3:25 say about the Lord’s goodness?

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Answer: The Lord is Good to Those Who Hope in Him

Details: Lamentations 3:25 says that the Lord is good to those who hope in Him, emphasizing God’s goodness and faithfulness. See

[Lamentations 3:25]


51. What is the significance of the “river of life” in Ezekiel’s vision?

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Answer: Symbol of Healing and Restoration

Details: The “river of life” in Ezekiel’s vision symbolizes healing and restoration, flowing from the temple and bringing life wherever it goes. See

[Ezekiel 47:1-12]


52. What does Jeremiah 33:6 promise about healing and restoration?

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Answer: God Will Bring Health and Healing

Details: Jeremiah 33:6 promises that God will bring health, healing, and prosperity, restoring Jerusalem to its former glory. See

[Jeremiah 33:6]


53. What does Ezekiel 18:32 say about repentance and life?

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Answer: God Desires Repentance and Life

Details: Ezekiel 18:32 states that God does not desire the death of anyone but rather that they turn from their ways and live. See

[Ezekiel 18:32]


54. What does Isaiah 40:3-5 prophesy about preparing the way for the Lord?

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Answer: Every Valley Will Be Raised, Every Mountain Made Low

Details: Isaiah 40:3-5 prophesies that a highway will be prepared for the Lord, with valleys raised and mountains made low, symbolizing the coming of the Lord and His glory revealed. See

[Isaiah 40:3-5]


55. How does Jeremiah describe the “yoke” in Jeremiah 27?

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Answer: A Symbol of Servitude to Babylon

Details: Jeremiah uses the metaphor of a yoke to symbolize the servitude that Judah and other nations must accept under Babylonian rule. See

[Jeremiah 27:2-11]


56. What does Ezekiel 22:30 say about finding a man to stand in the gap?

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Answer: God Sought a Man to Intercede

Details: Ezekiel 22:30 reveals that God sought a man to stand in the gap and intercede for the land to prevent its destruction, but found none. See

[Ezekiel 22:30]


57. What does Isaiah 53:3 say about the Messiah’s reception?

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Answer: Despised and Rejected

Details: Isaiah 53:3 describes the Messiah as being despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. See

[Isaiah 53:3]


58. What is the main message of the Book of Joel?

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Answer: Call to Repentance and Promise of Restoration

Details: The Book of Joel primarily calls the people to repentance in light of impending judgment and promises restoration and blessing afterward. See

[Joel 2:12-14]


59. What does Jeremiah 29:11 say about God’s plans for His people?

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Answer: Plans to Prosper and Not to Harm

Details: Jeremiah 29:11 states that God has plans to prosper His people and not to harm them, giving them hope and a future. See

[Jeremiah 29:11]


60. What does Lamentations 3:31-33 say about God’s punishment?

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Answer: God Does Not Punish Beyond What Is Necessary

Details: Lamentations 3:31-33 assures that God does not cast off or punish beyond what is necessary and does not willingly afflict or grieve anyone. See

[Lamentations 3:31-33]


61. What does Isaiah 61:1-2 proclaim about the Messiah’s mission?

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Answer: To Preach Good News and Set the Captives Free

Details: Isaiah 61:1-2 proclaims that the Messiah will bring good news to the poor, bind up the brokenhearted, proclaim freedom for the captives, and release from darkness for the prisoners. See

[Isaiah 61:1-2]


62. What does Jeremiah 33:14-16 promise about the future of Judah and Jerusalem?

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Answer: The Coming of a Righteous Branch

Details: Jeremiah 33:14-16 promises that a righteous branch will sprout from David’s line, bringing justice and righteousness to Judah and Jerusalem. See

[Jeremiah 33:14-16]


63. What does Ezekiel 47:12 describe about the trees along the river of life?

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Answer: They Will Bear Fruit Every Month

Details: Ezekiel 47:12 describes that the trees along the river of life will bear fruit every month and their leaves will be for healing, symbolizing ongoing sustenance and restoration. See

[Ezekiel 47:12]


64. What does Lamentations 3:40 encourage people to do?

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Answer: Examine and Test Their Ways

Details: Lamentations 3:40 encourages people to examine and test their ways and return to the Lord, reflecting on their actions and seeking repentance. See

[Lamentations 3:40]


65. What is the significance of the “shepherd” metaphor in Ezekiel 34?

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Answer: Symbol of Leadership and Care

Details: In Ezekiel 34, the shepherd metaphor symbolizes leadership and care, with God criticizing the false shepherds of Israel and promising to be the true shepherd who will care for His flock. See

[Ezekiel 34:11-16]


66. What does Isaiah 53:5 say about the suffering servant’s wounds?

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Answer: By His Wounds We Are Healed

Details: Isaiah 53:5 declares that the suffering servant was pierced for our transgressions and crushed for our iniquities; by His wounds, we are healed. See

[Isaiah 53:5]


67. What does Jeremiah 31:31-34 predict about the new covenant?

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Answer: A New Covenant Written on Hearts

Details: Jeremiah 31:31-34 predicts a new covenant where God will write His laws on the people’s hearts, promising forgiveness and a renewed relationship with His people. See

[Jeremiah 31:31-34]


68. What does Ezekiel 39:29 say about God’s Spirit and His people?

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Answer: God Will Not Hide His Face Anymore

Details: Ezekiel 39:29 promises that God will no longer hide His face from His people but will pour out His Spirit upon them, signifying His enduring presence and blessing. See

[Ezekiel 39:29]


69. What does Lamentations 5:19 affirm about God’s eternal reign?

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Answer: The Lord Reigns Forever

Details: Lamentations 5:19 affirms that the Lord reigns forever and His throne endures through all generations, providing a foundation of hope despite present suffering. See

[Lamentations 5:19]


70. What does Isaiah 2:2-4 prophesy about the mountain of the Lord’s temple?

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Answer: It Will Be Established as the Highest of Mountains

Details: Isaiah 2:2-4 prophesies that the mountain of the Lord’s temple will be established as the highest of mountains, drawing all nations to it, where they will learn God’s ways and live in peace. See

[Isaiah 2:2-4]




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