60 bible quizzes with answers

Explore the stories and characters of the Bible with our fun and interactive trivia quiz featuring 20 questions and answers. Engage with the Scriptures and deepen your devotion to God with our engaging and entertaining quiz.

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1. In the Book of Esther, what was the name of the Persian king who married Esther?

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Answer: Xerxes

Details: King Xerxes, also known as Ahasuerus, married Esther after she was chosen as queen. This is detailed in

[Esther 1.1-2]


2. In Job, what was the name of Job’s wife who suggested that he “curse God and die”?

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Answer: Job’s wife is not named

Details: Job’s wife is not named in the text, but she suggested that he curse God and die due to his suffering. This is detailed in

[Job 2.9]


3. In Psalms, which psalm is known as the “Shepherd Psalm” and begins with “The Lord is my shepherd”?

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Answer: Psalm 23

Details: Psalm 23 is famously known as the “Shepherd Psalm,” expressing trust in God as the Shepherd. This is detailed in

[Psalm 23.1]


4. In Proverbs, what is the “fear of the Lord” described as in relation to wisdom?

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Answer: The beginning of knowledge and wisdom

Details: The “fear of the Lord” is described as the beginning of knowledge and wisdom, foundational to understanding and living a righteous life. This is detailed in

[Proverbs 1.7]


5. In the Book of Esther, who was the villain that plotted to exterminate the Jews?

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Answer: Haman

Details: Haman, an advisor to King Xerxes, plotted to exterminate the Jews, which led to Esther’s intervention. This is detailed in

[Esther 3.5-6]


6. In Job, what was the primary reason for Job’s suffering, according to the narrative?

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Answer: A test of his faith and integrity

Details: Job’s suffering was a test of his faith and integrity, allowed by God to challenge his righteousness and commitment. This is detailed in

[Job 1.6-12]


7. In Psalms, which psalm is a “penitential psalm” expressing deep repentance and plea for mercy from God?

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Answer: Psalm 51

Details: Psalm 51 is known as a penitential psalm, where David expresses deep repentance and seeks God’s forgiveness. This is detailed in

[Psalm 51.1-19]


8. In Proverbs, which chapter is dedicated to the “virtuous woman” and describes her qualities and worth?

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Answer: Proverbs 31

Details: Proverbs 31 describes the qualities and worth of a virtuous woman, highlighting her value and accomplishments. This is detailed in

[Proverbs 31.10-31]


9. In the Book of Esther, who was Esther’s cousin and guardian who advised her to approach the king?

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Answer: Mordecai

Details: Mordecai was Esther’s cousin and guardian who advised her to approach King Xerxes to save her people. This is detailed in

[Esther 4.13-14]


10. In Job, which of Job’s friends is known for arguing that Job’s suffering must be a result of his sins?

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Answer: Eliphaz

Details: Eliphaz argued that Job’s suffering was a consequence of his own sin, reflecting the prevailing belief of retributive justice. This is detailed in

[Job 4.7-8]


11. In Psalms, which psalm describes the “blessed man” who delights in the law of the Lord and avoids the counsel of the wicked?

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Answer: Psalm 1

Details: Psalm 1 describes the “blessed man” who delights in the Lord’s law and avoids wicked influences, promising prosperity. This is detailed in

[Psalm 1.1-3]


12. In Proverbs, what is said about the “tongue” in relation to its power and impact?

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Answer: It has the power of life and death

Details: Proverbs states that the tongue has the power to bring life or death, highlighting the significant impact of words. This is detailed in

[Proverbs 18.21]


13. In Esther, what did Esther request from King Xerxes during the second banquet?

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Answer: To spare her people and grant her request

Details: During the second banquet, Esther requested that King Xerxes spare her people and grant her request to counter Haman’s plot. This is detailed in

[Esther 7.3]


14. In Job, who were Job’s three friends that visited him during his suffering?

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Answer: Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar

Details: Job’s three friends, Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar, visited him to offer their counsel and comfort during his suffering. This is detailed in

[Job 2.11]


15. In Psalms, which psalm expresses a cry for help from God in a time of distress and is often attributed to David’s repentance?

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Answer: Psalm 130

Details: Psalm 130 expresses a cry for help and is often seen as a plea for God’s mercy and redemption. This is detailed in

[Psalm 130.1-8]


16. In Proverbs, what is the advice given regarding “financial prudence” and debt?

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Answer: Avoid excessive borrowing and ensure you manage resources wisely

Details: Proverbs advises avoiding excessive borrowing and managing resources wisely to maintain financial stability. This is detailed in

[Proverbs 22.7]


17. In Esther, what was the decree that Mordecai issued to counteract Haman’s plot?

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Answer: The Jews were granted the right to defend themselves

Details: Mordecai issued a decree that allowed the Jews to defend themselves against their enemies, countering Haman’s plot. This is detailed in

[Esther 8.11]


18. In Job, which chapter describes the “divine speeches” where God answers Job out of the whirlwind?

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Answer: Job 38-41

Details: In these chapters, God responds to Job out of the whirlwind, presenting a series of questions and speeches about divine creation and power. This is detailed in

[Job 38-41]


19. In Psalms, which psalm reflects a deep lament over the destruction of Jerusalem and the longing for God’s restoration?

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Answer: Psalm 137

Details: Psalm 137 reflects the lament of the Israelites in Babylonian exile, expressing sorrow over Jerusalem’s destruction and longing for its restoration. This is detailed in

[Psalm 137.1-9]


20. In Proverbs, which chapter is often cited for its wise sayings on the value of seeking wisdom and understanding?

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Answer: Proverbs 4

Details: Proverbs 4 emphasizes the importance of seeking wisdom and understanding, portraying wisdom as a valuable treasure. This is detailed in

[Proverbs 4.1-13]


21. In the Book of Esther, which annual Jewish festival commemorates the events of Esther’s time?

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Answer: Purim

Details: Purim is the annual Jewish festival that commemorates the deliverance of the Jewish people from Haman’s plot, as described in the Book of Esther. This is detailed in

[Esther 9.26-28]


22. In Job, which of Job’s friends is known for his lengthy speeches and discussions about divine justice?

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Answer: Bildad

Details: Bildad is known for his lengthy speeches and discussions on divine justice, arguing that Job’s suffering must be a consequence of his sins. This is detailed in

[Job 8.1-22]


23. In Psalms, which psalm is a “royal psalm” celebrating the kingship and authority of God over the earth?

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Answer: Psalm 47

Details: Psalm 47 celebrates God’s kingship and authority over the earth, expressing joy and reverence for His rule. This is detailed in

[Psalm 47.1-9]


24. In Proverbs, what does Proverbs say about the “sluggard” and his approach to work?

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Answer: The sluggard is portrayed as lazy and foolish

Details: Proverbs depicts the sluggard as lazy and foolish, contrasting him with those who work diligently and wisely. This is detailed in

[Proverbs 6.6-11]


25. In Esther, what did Mordecai do when he learned of Haman’s plot against the Jews?

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Answer: He mourned and sought Esther’s intervention

Details: Upon learning of Haman’s plot, Mordecai mourned deeply and urged Esther to intercede with the king on behalf of the Jews. This is detailed in

[Esther 4.1-9]


26. In Job, what is the name of the young man who speaks after Job’s three friends and provides his own perspective on Job’s suffering?

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Answer: Elihu

Details: Elihu speaks after Job’s three friends and offers his perspective, emphasizing the greatness of God and suggesting that suffering can be a means of divine instruction. This is detailed in

[Job 32.1-22]


27. In Psalms, which psalm describes the “blessed” state of those who trust in God and the stability it brings?

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Answer: Psalm 112

Details: Psalm 112 describes the blessings and stability of those who fear the Lord and trust in Him, highlighting their righteousness and prosperity. This is detailed in

[Psalm 112.1-10]


28. In Proverbs, which chapter offers practical advice on relationships, including the importance of choosing friends wisely?

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Answer: Proverbs 13

Details: Proverbs 13 offers advice on various aspects of life, including the importance of wise relationships and choosing friends who positively influence one’s life. This is detailed in

[Proverbs 13.20]


29. In Esther, what did the king do in response to Esther’s request to save her people?

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Answer: The king granted her request and promoted Mordecai

Details: King Xerxes granted Esther’s request to save her people and promoted Mordecai, reversing Haman’s decree. This is detailed in

[Esther 8.1-2]


30. In Job, what is the significance of Job’s “patience” in the context of his trials?

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Answer: Job’s patience is a testament to his unwavering faith and endurance despite immense suffering

Details: Job’s patience is highlighted as a testament to his steadfast faith and endurance despite his severe trials and suffering. This is detailed in

[James 5.11]


31. In Psalms, which psalm is a celebration of God’s deliverance and the joy of the redeemed?

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Answer: Psalm 126

Details: Psalm 126 celebrates the joy of the redeemed and the deliverance experienced after periods of hardship and sorrow. This is detailed in

[Psalm 126.1-6]


32. In Proverbs, which chapter offers insights into the value of wisdom and the dangers of folly?

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Answer: Proverbs 3

Details: Proverbs 3 provides insights into the value of wisdom and its benefits while contrasting it with the dangers of folly. This is detailed in

[Proverbs 3.1-35]


33. In the Book of Esther, who were the primary conspirators against Mordecai and the Jews?

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Answer: Haman and his associates

Details: Haman and his associates were the primary conspirators against Mordecai and the Jews, plotting their destruction. This is detailed in

[Esther 3.8-11]


34. In Job, which chapter contains the famous “song of praise” for God’s creation and majesty?

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Answer: Job 38

Details: Job 38 contains God’s response to Job, celebrating His creation and majesty, and questioning Job’s understanding of divine power. This is detailed in

[Job 38.1-41]


35. In Psalms, which psalm is considered a “royal psalm” that speaks about God’s anointed king and His everlasting kingdom?

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Answer: Psalm 2

Details: Psalm 2 is a royal psalm that speaks about God’s anointed king, the Messiah, and His everlasting reign over the nations. This is detailed in

[Psalm 2.1-12]


36. In Proverbs, what advice is given about the “use of speech” and its impact on relationships?

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Answer: Speech should be wise and kind, as it has the power to build up or tear down

Details: Proverbs advises that speech should be wise and kind, recognizing its power to build up or destroy relationships and reputations. This is detailed in

[Proverbs 15.1]


37. In the Book of Esther, how did Esther reveal her Jewish identity to King Xerxes?

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Answer: During a banquet

Details: Esther revealed her Jewish identity and pleaded for her people’s deliverance during a banquet with King Xerxes. This is detailed in

[Esther 7.1-6]


38. In Job, how does Job respond to his suffering throughout his dialogues with his friends?

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Answer: Job maintains his innocence and seeks understanding from God

Details: Throughout his dialogues, Job maintains his innocence and seeks understanding from God regarding his suffering and the reasons behind it. This is detailed in

[Job 23.1-17]


39. In Psalms, which psalm is often read as a reflection of God’s majesty and creative power in the natural world?

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Answer: Psalm 19

Details: Psalm 19 reflects on God’s majesty and creative power as revealed in the natural world and His law. This is detailed in

[Psalm 19.1-14]


40. In Proverbs, what is said about the “importance of discipline” in the life of a wise person?

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Answer: Discipline is crucial for growth and understanding

Details: Proverbs emphasizes that discipline is essential for personal growth, understanding, and maintaining a wise and righteous path. This is detailed in

[Proverbs 12.1]


41. In the Book of Esther, which character had his position and wealth reversed as a result of Esther’s intervention?

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Answer: Haman

Details: Haman’s position and wealth were reversed, and he was executed after Esther intervened to expose his plot. This is detailed in

[Esther 7.10]


42. In Job, which chapter presents the “debate” between Job and his friends, highlighting their differing views on suffering?

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Answer: Job 4-31

Details: These chapters present the ongoing debate between Job and his friends, with differing views on the nature of suffering and divine justice. This is detailed in

[Job 4-31]


43. In Psalms, which psalm expresses a deep trust in God’s protection and deliverance from fear and danger?

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Answer: Psalm 91

Details: Psalm 91 expresses deep trust in God’s protection and deliverance from fear and danger, assuring safety under His care. This is detailed in

[Psalm 91.1-16]


44. In Proverbs, what is the “scoop” on how to handle “conflict” and seek reconciliation?

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Answer: Address conflicts with wisdom and seek reconciliation

Details: Proverbs advises addressing conflicts with wisdom and seeking reconciliation to maintain harmony and avoid further strife. This is detailed in

[Proverbs 15.18]


45. In the Book of Esther, what did the king do to commemorate the deliverance of the Jews?

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Answer: He established the festival of Purim

Details: To commemorate the deliverance of the Jews from Haman’s plot, King Xerxes established the festival of Purim. This is detailed in

[Esther 9.20-22]


46. In Job, which chapter describes Job’s final response to God after God’s speeches?

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Answer: Job 42

Details: Job 42 describes Job’s final response to God, where he repents and acknowledges God’s omniscience and power. This is detailed in

[Job 42.1-6]


47. In Psalms, which psalm reflects a plea for God’s mercy and deliverance from enemies and adversities?

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Answer: Psalm 54

Details: Psalm 54 reflects a plea for God’s mercy and deliverance from enemies and adversities, seeking His intervention and protection. This is detailed in

[Psalm 54.1-7]


48. In Proverbs, what is the “role of the righteous” in contrast to the wicked in society?

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Answer: The righteous are a blessing and the wicked bring trouble

Details: Proverbs contrasts the role of the righteous as a blessing to society with the wicked who bring trouble and discord. This is detailed in

[Proverbs 11.10]


49. In the Book of Esther, what was the main reason for Esther’s fear when she approached King Xerxes without being summoned?

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Answer: The risk of death for approaching the king uninvited

Details: Esther feared death because approaching the king without being summoned could result in execution, though she risked it to plead for her people. This is detailed in

[Esther 4.11]


50. In Job, which chapters describe Job’s lamentation and his friends’ responses before God’s speeches?

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Answer: Job 3-31

Details: These chapters cover Job’s lamentation and his friends’ responses as they debate the nature of his suffering before God’s speeches. This is detailed in

[Job 3-31]


51. In Psalms, which psalm is often associated with the “royal enthronement” theme, celebrating God’s reign over creation?

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Answer: Psalm 93

Details: Psalm 93 is associated with the royal enthronement theme, celebrating God’s sovereign reign over creation and His eternal kingship. This is detailed in

[Psalm 93.1-5]


52. In Proverbs, which chapter advises on the value of prudent planning and foresight?

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Answer: Proverbs 21

Details: Proverbs 21 advises on the value of prudent planning and foresight in achieving success and stability. This is detailed in

[Proverbs 21.5]


53. In the Book of Esther, how did the king react to Esther’s revelation of Haman’s plot and her plea for her people?

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Answer: The king was enraged and ordered Haman’s execution

Details: Upon learning of Haman’s plot and Esther’s plea, the king was enraged and ordered Haman’s execution for his treachery. This is detailed in

[Esther 7.9-10]


54. In Job, which chapter describes the vivid imagery of the “behemoth” and “leviathan” as part of God’s creation?

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Answer: Job 40-41

Details: Job 40-41 describes the behemoth and leviathan, using vivid imagery to illustrate the grandeur and power of God’s creation. This is detailed in

[Job 40.15-24; Job 41.1-34]


55. In Psalms, which psalm expresses confidence in God’s deliverance and praises Him for His faithfulness?

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Answer: Psalm 34

Details: Psalm 34 expresses confidence in God’s deliverance, praising Him for His faithfulness and care for the righteous. This is detailed in

[Psalm 34.1-22]


56. In Proverbs, what does the proverb say about the “fear of the Lord” and its relationship to wisdom?

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Answer: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom

Details: Proverbs teaches that the fear of the Lord is the foundation and beginning of true wisdom, guiding one’s understanding and conduct. This is detailed in

[Proverbs 9.10]


57. In the Book of Esther, what was the name of the decree that reversed Haman’s plan and allowed the Jews to defend themselves?

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Answer: The decree of King Xerxes

Details: The decree of King Xerxes reversed Haman’s plan, allowing the Jews to defend themselves and protect their lives. This is detailed in

[Esther 8.9-14]


58. In Job, what is the main theme of Job’s dialogue with his friends regarding suffering and divine justice?

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Answer: The main theme is the questioning of divine justice and the reasons for suffering

Details: The dialogue revolves around questioning divine justice and the reasons behind Job’s suffering, with various perspectives offered by his friends. This is detailed in

[Job 4-31]


59. In Psalms, which psalm is known for its themes of trust and reliance on God’s help in times of trouble?

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Answer: Psalm 121

Details: Psalm 121 is known for its themes of trust and reliance on God’s help, emphasizing His protection and support in times of trouble. This is detailed in

[Psalm 121.1-8]


60. In Proverbs, what does the proverb say about “generosity” and its impact on one’s life?

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Answer: Generosity leads to blessings and prosperity

Details: Proverbs teaches that generosity is rewarded with blessings and prosperity, contrasting it with the consequences of stinginess. This is detailed in

[Proverbs 11.25]



  1. https://blog.rose-publishing.com/2015/01/05/top-5-websites-that-will-help-you-study-the-bible/
  2. https://www.christianbiblereference.org
  3. https://biblehub.com
  4. https://forallthings.bible/19-websites-for-reading-and-searching-the-bible/
  5. https://guides.library.yale.edu/bible/websites
  6. https://www.biblegateway.com
  7. https://www.blueletterbible.org
  8. https://www.biblestudytools.com
  9. https://www.lumina.bible.org
  10. https://www.gotquestions.org
  11. https://www.esv.org
  12. https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org
  13. https://www.bibles.org
  14. https://www.studylight.org
  15. https://www.biblia.com

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