very hard bible quiz

Think you know the Bible inside and out? Ready to put your knowledge to the ultimate test? Dive into our challenging Bible trivia quiz that explores the books of Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, and 1 Kings. With 70 tough questions that delve deep into these pivotal scriptures, only the most dedicated Bible scholars will emerge victorious.

Brace yourself for a test of your biblical acumen and discover how well you really know these fascinating books. Get ready to challenge yourself like never before!

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bible trivia questions with answers for adults

1. In the Book of Ruth, who was Ruth’s first husband?

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Answer: Mahlon

Details: Mahlon was Ruth’s first husband who died during their time in Moab. Ruth’s loyalty to Mahlon’s family leads her to eventually marry Boaz. This is described in

[Ruth 1.5]


2. In the Book of Ruth, what is the relationship between Ruth and Boaz?

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Answer: Boaz is Ruth’s kinsman-redeemer

Details: Boaz acts as a kinsman-redeemer by marrying Ruth, fulfilling the Levirate marriage tradition. This relationship is detailed in

[Ruth 4.9-10]


3. In 1 Samuel, which prophet anointed Saul as the first king of Israel?

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Answer: Samuel

Details: Samuel anointed Saul as king following God’s instruction. This event is recorded in

[1 Samuel 10.1]


4. In 1 Samuel, what was the name of Saul’s son who became a close friend of David?

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Answer: Jonathan

Details: Jonathan and David formed a deep and loyal friendship. Their bond is described in

[1 Samuel 18.1-4]


5. In 2 Samuel, who was the woman from whom David committed adultery and whose husband was later killed by David?

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Answer: Bathsheba

Details: David committed adultery with Bathsheba and orchestrated the death of her husband, Uriah. This incident is described in

[2 Samuel 11]


6. In 2 Samuel, which of David’s sons attempted to usurp his throne?

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Answer: Absalom

Details: Absalom led a rebellion against his father David in an attempt to take the throne. This story is detailed in

[2 Samuel 15-18]


7. In 1 Kings, who succeeded King David as the king of Israel?

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Answer: Solomon

Details: Solomon, David’s son, succeeded him as king and is known for his wisdom and the construction of the Temple in Jerusalem. This is detailed in

[1 Kings 1.39-40]


8. In 1 Kings, which queen visited Solomon to test his wisdom with hard questions?

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Answer: The Queen of Sheba

Details: The Queen of Sheba visited Solomon to test his wisdom and was impressed by his answers. This account is found in

[1 Kings 10.1-2]


9. In 1 Kings, what was the name of the prophet who confronted King Ahab and the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel?

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Answer: Elijah

Details: Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal to a contest on Mount Carmel to prove who was the true God. This story is detailed in

[1 Kings 18.20-40]


10. In 1 Kings, how did Elijah end up at Mount Horeb after fleeing from Jezebel?

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Answer: Elijah traveled forty days and nights to get there

Details: After fleeing Jezebel, Elijah traveled forty days and nights to reach Mount Horeb, where he encountered God in a gentle whisper. This journey is described in

[1 Kings 19.8]


11. In 2 Samuel, what was the name of David’s general who led the army in many battles?

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Answer: Joab

Details: Joab was David’s chief military commander and played a key role in his reign. This is described throughout

[2 Samuel]


12. In 2 Samuel, what was the name of David’s daughter who was assaulted by her half-brother Amnon?

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Answer: Tamar

Details: Tamar was assaulted by her half-brother Amnon, leading to severe consequences and family strife. This incident is recorded in

[2 Samuel 13.1-22]


13. In 1 Kings, what was the first major project undertaken by Solomon as king?

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Answer: The construction of the Temple in Jerusalem

Details: Solomon’s first major project was to build the Temple, which became the central place of worship for Israel. This is detailed in

[1 Kings 6]


14. In 1 Kings, what did King Solomon request from God when he became king?

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Answer: Wisdom

Details: Solomon asked God for wisdom to govern the people wisely, and God granted him both wisdom and great wealth. This request is detailed in

[1 Kings 3.5-14]


15. In the Book of Ruth, who was the guardian-redeemer for Naomi’s family?

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Answer: Boaz

Details: Boaz served as the guardian-redeemer (kinsman-redeemer) for Naomi’s family and later married Ruth. This is described in

[Ruth 4.1-10]


16. In 1 Samuel, what did Samuel do to signify Saul’s anointing as king?

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Answer: Samuel poured oil on Saul’s head

Details: Samuel anointed Saul by pouring oil on his head, symbolizing his divine appointment as king. This is described in

[1 Samuel 10.1]


17. In 2 Samuel, who was the prophet that confronted David about his sin with Bathsheba?

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Answer: Nathan

Details: Nathan confronted David about his adultery with Bathsheba and orchestrated the death of her husband, Uriah. This confrontation is recorded in

[2 Samuel 12]


18. In 1 Kings, which of Solomon’s wives was known for her influence in bringing foreign gods into Israel?

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Answer: The Pharaoh’s daughter

Details: Solomon’s marriage to Pharaoh’s daughter led to the introduction of foreign worship practices, which contributed to Israel’s later apostasy. This is detailed in

[1 Kings 11.1-8]


19. In 1 Kings, how did Elijah demonstrate that the God of Israel was more powerful than Baal?

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Answer: By calling down fire from heaven to consume a soaked sacrifice

Details: Elijah called on God to send fire from heaven to consume a sacrifice that had been doused with water, proving God’s power over Baal. This is described in

[1 Kings 18.36-38] Apologies for the oversight. Here is the continuation to complete the 70 Bible trivia questions focused on the books following Judges: Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, and 1 Kings. —

20. In the Book of Ruth, what was the name of Ruth’s mother-in-law?

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Answer: Naomi

Details: Naomi was Ruth’s mother-in-law who returned to Bethlehem after the death of her husband and sons. This is detailed in

[Ruth 1.1-5]


21. In 1 Samuel, who was the high priest of Israel at the time of Samuel’s birth?

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Answer: Eli

Details: Eli was the high priest who mentored Samuel after his mother, Hannah, dedicated him to the Lord. This is described in

[1 Samuel 1.9-28]


22. In 2 Samuel, what city did David capture and make the political capital of Israel?

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Answer: Jerusalem

Details: David captured Jerusalem from the Jebusites and established it as the capital of Israel. This event is described in

[2 Samuel 5.6-9]


23. In 1 Kings, what did Solomon request from the two women who came to him claiming to be the mother of the same baby?

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Answer: To cut the baby in half and give each woman a half

Details: Solomon proposed to cut the baby in two, revealing the true mother when she offered to give up her claim to save the child’s life. This is detailed in

[1 Kings 3.16-28]


24. In the Book of Ruth, what did Boaz tell his reapers to do for Ruth?

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Answer: Leave extra grain for her to gather

Details: Boaz instructed his reapers to leave extra grain in the fields for Ruth, showing his generosity and protection. This is described in

[Ruth 2.15-16]


25. In 1 Samuel, what sign did God give Saul to confirm his kingship?

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Answer: Saul encountered a group of prophets and began to prophesy

Details: God confirmed Saul’s kingship by having him prophesy with a group of prophets, which was seen as a divine sign. This event is recorded in

[1 Samuel 10.9-13]


26. In 2 Samuel, what is the name of the place where David built an altar to stop a plague?

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Answer: The threshing floor of Araunah

Details: David purchased the threshing floor of Araunah to build an altar, where he offered sacrifices to stop a plague that had struck Israel. This is detailed in

[2 Samuel 24.18-25]


27. In 1 Kings, what was the primary reason for the division of the kingdom after Solomon’s reign?

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Answer: Solomon’s heavy taxation and forced labor

Details: Solomon’s heavy taxation and forced labor led to unrest and eventually the division of the kingdom into Israel and Judah after his death. This is described in

[1 Kings 12.1-20]


28. In 1 Samuel, which Philistine giant did David defeat with a sling and a stone?

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Answer: Goliath

Details: David defeated the giant Goliath with a sling and a stone, demonstrating his faith and God’s power. This is described in

[1 Samuel 17.1-50]


29. In 2 Samuel, which of David’s sons led a rebellion against him while David was still king?

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Answer: Absalom

Details: Absalom’s rebellion against David was a major conflict during David’s reign, leading to a tragic end. This story is detailed in

[2 Samuel 15-18]


30. In 1 Kings, who were the primary adversaries of King Solomon during his reign?

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Answer: Adversaries included Shishak, the king of Egypt, and various neighboring nations

Details: Solomon faced threats from surrounding nations and leaders who sought to challenge his reign or invade Israel. This is detailed in

[1 Kings 11.14-25]


31. In the Book of Ruth, what is the significance of Ruth’s act of gleaning in the fields?

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Answer: It demonstrates her commitment to providing for herself and her mother-in-law, and it leads to her meeting Boaz

Details: Ruth’s gleaning in the fields is both an act of humility and a fulfillment of the law allowing the poor to gather leftover crops, which leads to her meeting Boaz. This is described in

[Ruth 2]


32. In 1 Samuel, what was the name of the priest’s sons who were corrupt and caused God’s judgment?

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Answer: Hophni and Phinehas

Details: The corrupt actions of Hophni and Phinehas, Eli’s sons, led to God’s judgment on Eli’s house. This is described in

[1 Samuel 2.12-17]


33. In 2 Samuel, which of David’s military leaders was known for his loyalty but was eventually executed by Solomon?

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Answer: Joab

Details: Joab, despite his loyalty to David, was executed by Solomon due to his involvement in various offenses and conspiracies. This is detailed in

[1 Kings 2.28-34]


34. In 1 Kings, which prophet was taken up to heaven in a whirlwind?

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Answer: Elijah

Details: Elijah was taken up to heaven in a whirlwind, signifying his special role and departure from Earth. This event is described in

[1 Kings 18.11-12]


35. In 1 Samuel, what was the name of the town where the Ark of the Covenant was kept for a time after being captured by the Philistines?

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Answer: Kirjath-jearim

Details: After the Philistines captured the Ark, it was kept in Kirjath-jearim until David later brought it to Jerusalem. This is described in

[1 Samuel 7.1]


36. In 2 Samuel, who was the woman who approached David with a parable to convince him to reconcile with Absalom?

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Answer: The wise woman of Tekoa

Details: The wise woman of Tekoa used a parable to persuade David to reconcile with his son Absalom, influencing his decision. This is detailed in

[2 Samuel 14.1-20]


37. In 1 Kings, what was the name of Solomon’s main advisor who was opposed to the building of the Temple?

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Answer: Jeroboam

Certainly! Here are the remaining challenging Bible trivia questions, starting from question 38 and continuing through to question 70, with a focus on the books of Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, and 1 Kings. —

38. In 1 Samuel, what was the name of the town where Saul and Jonathan were killed in battle?

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Answer: Gilboa

Details: Saul and Jonathan were killed at Mount Gilboa during a battle with the Philistines. This is detailed in

[1 Samuel 31.1-6]


39. In 2 Samuel, who was the daughter of Saul that married David and later became the mother of Solomon?

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Answer: Michal

Details: Michal, Saul’s daughter, married David and was initially his first wife. She was later replaced by Bathsheba as the mother of Solomon. This is detailed in

[2 Samuel 6.23]


40. In 1 Kings, which prophet challenged King Ahab’s wife, Jezebel, and her 450 prophets of Baal?

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Answer: Elijah

Details: Elijah challenged Jezebel’s prophets of Baal to a contest on Mount Carmel, demonstrating the power of God. This is described in

[1 Kings 18.20-40]


41. In the Book of Ruth, who was the first person to greet Boaz upon his return to Bethlehem from his field?

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Answer: His reapers

Details: Boaz was greeted by his reapers who blessed him as he arrived at the fields. This interaction is described in

[Ruth 2.4]


42. In 1 Samuel, how did Saul’s disobedience to God affect his relationship with Samuel?

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Answer: Samuel repudiated Saul and declared that God had rejected him as king

Details: Saul’s failure to obey God’s command led Samuel to announce that God had rejected Saul as king. This is detailed in

[1 Samuel 15.10-23]


43. In 2 Samuel, what was the name of the prophet who confronted David after his sin with Bathsheba and Uriah?

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Answer: Nathan

Details: Nathan confronted David with a parable to make him acknowledge his sin. This confrontation is described in

[2 Samuel 12.1-15]


44. In 1 Kings, which city did Solomon build to house his own palace, which was distinct from the Temple?

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Answer: The city of David

Details: Solomon built his palace in the city of David, separate from the Temple, which was constructed on Mount Moriah. This is detailed in

[1 Kings 7.1-12]


45. In the Book of Ruth, how many times did Ruth go to Boaz’s threshing floor in the middle of the night?

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Answer: Once

Details: Ruth visited Boaz at the threshing floor at night to request his protection and act of redemption. This event is described in

[Ruth 3.6-15]


46. In 1 Samuel, which two tribes were notably absent from the alliance that gathered against the Philistines at Mizpah?

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Answer: Judah and Simeon

Details: The tribes of Judah and Simeon were notably absent from the assembly at Mizpah against the Philistines. This is described in

[1 Samuel 7.7-11]


47. In 2 Samuel, what was the name of the concubine of David who was seized by Adonijah to declare his claim to the throne?

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Answer: Abishag

Details: Abishag was taken by Adonijah to assert his claim to the throne, as he thought it would bolster his position. This is detailed in

[1 Kings 2.13-17]


48. In 1 Kings, what did God promise Solomon in a dream at Gibeon, in addition to wisdom?

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Answer: Riches and honor

Details: Besides wisdom, God promised Solomon wealth and honor as long as he walked in God’s ways. This is described in

[1 Kings 3.5-14]


49. In the Book of Ruth, how did Boaz respond when Ruth asked him to spread his garment over her?

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Answer: He agreed and praised her for her virtue

Details: Boaz agreed to act as Ruth’s kinsman-redeemer and praised her for her loyalty and virtue. This response is described in

[Ruth 3.10-13]


50. In 1 Samuel, what specific action of Saul led to his rejection by God, according to Samuel’s prophecy?

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Answer: Saul’s unauthorized offering of burnt sacrifices

Details: Saul’s disobedience by offering sacrifices himself, rather than waiting for Samuel, led to God’s rejection of him as king. This is detailed in

[1 Samuel 13.8-14]


51. In 2 Samuel, what was the name of David’s son who attempted to lead a rebellion against him from Hebron?

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Answer: Absalom

Details: Absalom led a rebellion against David from Hebron, seeking to usurp his father’s throne. This is detailed in

[2 Samuel 15.1-12]


52. In 1 Kings, what was the name of the official who was placed over Solomon’s forced laborers?

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Answer: Adoniram

Details: Adoniram was appointed as the head of Solomon’s forced labor, overseeing the extensive construction projects. This is detailed in

[1 Kings 5.14]


53. In the Book of Ruth, what was the name of the field where Ruth met Boaz for the first time?

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Answer: The field of Boaz

Details: Ruth gleaned in Boaz’s field, which led to their eventual meeting and marriage. This is described in

[Ruth 2.3]


54. In 1 Samuel, who was the Amalekite that claimed to have killed Saul and brought the news to David?

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Answer: An unnamed Amalekite

Details: An Amalekite claimed to have killed Saul and brought the news to David, hoping for a reward. David had him executed for killing the Lord’s anointed. This is detailed in

[2 Samuel 1.1-16]


55. In 2 Samuel, what was the name of David’s mighty warrior who killed 800 men in a single encounter?

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Answer: Adino the Eznite

Details: Adino the Eznite was one of David’s mighty warriors known for his valor and strength in battle. This is detailed in

[2 Samuel 23.8]


56. In 1 Kings, which king of Tyre provided materials and craftsmen to help build Solomon’s Temple?

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Answer: Hiram

Details: King Hiram of Tyre supplied materials and craftsmen for the construction of the Temple in Jerusalem. This is described in

[1 Kings 5.1-12]


57. In the Book of Ruth, which relative of Boaz had the first right of redemption before Boaz?

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Answer: The unnamed kinsman

Details: The unnamed kinsman initially had the right to redeem the property and marry Ruth but declined, allowing Boaz to step in. This is described in

[Ruth 4.1-6]


58. In 1 Samuel, what was the name of the town where Saul was initially anointed king by Samuel?

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Answer: Gilgal

Details: Saul was anointed king by Samuel at Gilgal, marking the beginning of his reign. This is detailed in

[1 Samuel 10.8]


59. In 2 Samuel, what was the name of the man who cursed David and was later killed by Solomon?

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Answer: Shimei

Details: Shimei, who cursed David during Absalom’s rebellion, was later executed by Solomon as part of his consolidation of power. This is detailed in

[1 Kings 2.36-46]


60. In 1 Kings, what specific punishment did Elijah pronounce upon the prophets of Baal after their defeat?

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Answer: They were executed

Details: After the defeat of the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel, Elijah ordered their execution as a consequence of their false prophecy. This is detailed in

[1 Kings 18.40]


61. In the Book of Ruth, what was Naomi’s reaction when Ruth told her about Boaz’s offer to redeem her?

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Answer: She instructed Ruth to wait for Boaz to act

Details: Naomi advised Ruth to wait and trust that Boaz would act according to the custom and redeem her. This is detailed in

[Ruth 3.18]


62. In 1 Samuel, which city did the Philistines send the Ark of the Covenant to after it caused plagues?

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Answer: Gath

Details: After experiencing plagues in Ashdod, the Philistines sent the Ark to Gath, where it also caused suffering. This is detailed in

[1 Samuel 5.8]


63. In 2 Samuel, which of David’s sons was known for his wisdom and eventually succeeded him as king?

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Answer: Solomon

Details: Solomon, known for his wisdom, succeeded David as king of Israel. This transition of power is detailed in

[1 Kings 1.39-40]


64. In 1 Kings, what did Solomon ask for when God appeared to him in a dream at Gibeon?

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Answer: Wisdom

Details: Solomon requested wisdom to govern his people effectively when God offered him anything he desired. This is detailed in

[1 Kings 3.5-14]


65. In the Book of Ruth, what was the relationship between Ruth and Orpah?

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Answer: They were sisters-in-law

Details: Ruth and Orpah were sisters-in-law, both married to Naomi’s sons. After their husbands died, Orpah returned to Moab while Ruth stayed with Naomi. This is detailed in

[Ruth 1.4-14]


66. In 1 Samuel, who was the Philistine giant that David defeated with a sling and a stone?

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Answer: Goliath

Details: David defeated the giant Goliath with a sling and a stone, demonstrating his faith and God’s power. This is detailed in

[1 Samuel 17.4-50]


67. In 2 Samuel, what was the name of the woman who falsely accused her stepchildren, leading to a significant political move by King David?

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Answer: The wise woman of Tekoa

Details: The wise woman of Tekoa used a parable to persuade David to reconcile with his son Absalom, influencing his decision. This is detailed in

[2 Samuel 14.1-20]


68. In 1 Kings, which prophet confronted King Ahab and foretold the drought that lasted for three years?

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Answer: Elijah

Details: Elijah foretold a drought in Israel that lasted for three years as a punishment for Ahab’s and Jezebel’s idolatry. This is detailed in

[1 Kings 17.1]


69. In the Book of Ruth, what was Boaz’s reaction when he found out Ruth had been gleaning in his field?

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Answer: He instructed his workers to leave extra grain for her and provided her with extra food

Details: Boaz showed kindness by instructing his workers to leave extra grain for Ruth and provided her with extra food. This is detailed in

[Ruth 2.15-16]


70. In 1 Samuel, what significant event happened when the Ark of the Covenant was captured by the Philistines?

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Answer: The Philistines suffered plagues and turmoil

Details: The capture of the Ark by the Philistines led to plagues and turmoil in their cities, compelling them to eventually return the Ark to Israel. This is described in

[1 Samuel 5-6]


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