bible trivia quiz with answers

Bible trivia questions with answers await you in this captivating collection! Dive into the wisdom and depth of the books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon.

Perfect for enhancing your biblical knowledge or challenging your understanding, these 70 questions cover key themes, characters, and prophecies from these profound scriptures. Test your insight and discover new aspects of these sacred texts today!

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1. Who is traditionally believed to be the author of Ecclesiastes?

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Answer: Solomon

Details: Ecclesiastes is traditionally attributed to Solomon, who is considered its author. See

[Ecclesiastes 1:1]


2. What key theme does the Book of Ecclesiastes explore?

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Answer: The Meaning of Life

Details: Ecclesiastes explores the meaning and purpose of life, often expressing the futility of human endeavors. See

[Ecclesiastes 1:2]


3. What phrase is commonly used in Ecclesiastes to describe the futility of human effort?

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Answer: Vanity of Vanities

Details: The phrase “Vanity of vanities” is used to express the emptiness of human pursuits. See

[Ecclesiastes 1:2]


4. What is the main subject of the Book of Song of Solomon?

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Answer: Love

Details: The Song of Solomon is a poetic exploration of love and longing between a bride and groom. See

[Song of Solomon 1:1]


5. What title is given to the Song of Solomon to emphasize its content?

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Answer: The Song of Songs

Details: The Song of Solomon is also known as the Song of Songs, highlighting its significance among love poetry. See

[Song of Solomon 1:1]


6. How does the Song of Solomon refer to the beloved in its text?

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Answer: The Rose of Sharon

Details: The beloved is described as “the rose of Sharon” in the Song of Solomon. See

[Song of Solomon 2:1]


7. Who is traditionally believed to be the author of the Book of Isaiah?

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Answer: Isaiah

Details: The Book of Isaiah is attributed to the prophet Isaiah. See

[Isaiah 1:1]


8. What major theme is found throughout the Book of Isaiah?

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Answer: The Messianic Prophecies

Details: Isaiah includes prophecies about the coming of the Messiah and the future restoration of Israel. See

[Isaiah 9:6-7]


9. What name does Isaiah use to describe the future child born to a virgin?

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Answer: Immanuel

Details: Isaiah prophesies the birth of a child named Immanuel, meaning “God with us.” See

[Isaiah 7:14]


10. In which chapter of Isaiah does the prophecy about the “Suffering Servant” appear?

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Answer: Isaiah 53

Details: The “Suffering Servant” prophecy is found in Isaiah 53, describing the servant who will bear the sins of many. See

[Isaiah 53]


11. Who is the primary prophet of the Book of Jeremiah?

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Answer: Jeremiah

Details: The Book of Jeremiah is attributed to the prophet Jeremiah, who delivered messages of warning and hope. See

[Jeremiah 1:1]


12. What nickname is given to Jeremiah due to his emotional responses?

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Answer: The Weeping Prophet

Details: Jeremiah is known as “the weeping prophet” because of his lamentations over the fate of Jerusalem. See

[Jeremiah 9:1]


13. What does Jeremiah prophesy about the new covenant in Jeremiah 31?

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Answer: A New Covenant with the House of Israel

Details: Jeremiah prophesies that God will establish a new covenant with His people, different from the old one. See

[Jeremiah 31:31-34]


14. What symbolic action does Jeremiah perform to illustrate Judah’s coming captivity?

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Answer: Wearing a Yoke

Details: Jeremiah wears a yoke around his neck to symbolize the bondage that will come upon Judah. See

[Jeremiah 27:1-11]


15. What is the central theme of the Book of Lamentations?

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Answer: Mourning over Jerusalem’s Destruction

Details: Lamentations expresses grief and mourning over the fall and destruction of Jerusalem. See

[Lamentations 1:1]


16. What is the metaphor used by Isaiah to describe Israel in Isaiah 5?

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Answer: The Vineyard

Details: Isaiah uses the metaphor of a vineyard to describe Israel and its fruitfulness or lack thereof. See

[Isaiah 5:1-7]


17. In which chapter of Isaiah is the prophecy about the “suffering servant” found?

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Answer: Isaiah 53

Details: The prophecy about the “suffering servant” who bears the sins of many is detailed in Isaiah 53. See

[Isaiah 53]


18. What is one of the key messages in the Book of Lamentations about God’s nature?

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Answer: God’s Faithfulness

Details: Despite the destruction and suffering, Lamentations highlights God’s enduring faithfulness and compassion. See

[Lamentations 3:22-23]


19. What vision is described in Isaiah 6?

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Answer: Vision of the Lord’s Glory

Details: Isaiah describes a vision of the Lord seated on a throne, surrounded by seraphim, and his call to be a prophet. See

[Isaiah 6:1-8]


20. What does Jeremiah say about the “potter’s house” in Jeremiah 18?

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Answer: The Potter’s House Symbolizes God’s Sovereignty

Details: Jeremiah visits the potter’s house to learn that God can reshape nations and individuals according to His will. See

[Jeremiah 18:1-6]


21. In the Song of Solomon, what is the beloved’s beauty compared to?

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Answer: A Beautiful Garden

Details: The beloved’s beauty is often compared to a garden, reflecting purity and desirability. See

[Song of Solomon 4:12]


22. What key metaphor is used in Song of Solomon to describe the relationship between the lovers?

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Answer: A Garden

Details: The lovers are compared to a garden, representing the nurturing and intimate aspects of their relationship. See

[Song of Solomon 4:12]


23. What is the main focus of the Book of Ecclesiastes regarding human endeavors?

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Answer: Their Futility

Details: Ecclesiastes reflects on the futility and transitory nature of human efforts and achievements. See

[Ecclesiastes 1:3]


24. How does the Book of Song of Solomon depict the voice of the beloved?

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Answer: As Sweet and Inviting

Details: The beloved’s voice is described as sweet and inviting, reflecting the depth of affection. See

[Song of Solomon 2:14]


25. What does the Book of Lamentations say about God’s anger?

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Answer: It is Just and Righteous

Details: Lamentations acknowledges that God’s anger is justified in response to the people’s sins. See

[Lamentations 3:34-36]


26. What important prophecy about Jesus is found in Isaiah 9?

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Answer: The Birth of a Child

Details: Isaiah 9:6-7 prophesies the birth of a child who will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. See

[Isaiah 9:6-7]


27. What symbol is used in Jeremiah 13 to illustrate the pride of Judah?

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Answer: A Linen Belt

Details: Jeremiah uses a linen belt that becomes ruined to symbolize Judah’s pride and corruption. See

[Jeremiah 13:1-11]


28. What does the Book of Song of Solomon say about love and desire?

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Answer: It is Strong and Unyielding

Details: Love and desire are depicted as strong and unyielding, as demonstrated in the passionate expressions throughout the book. See

[Song of Solomon 8:6-7]


29. How does the Book of Ecclesiastes address the pursuit of wisdom?

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Answer: As Ultimately Futile

Details: Ecclesiastes acknowledges the pursuit of wisdom but ultimately describes it as futile in achieving true meaning. See

[Ecclesiastes 1:17]


30. What metaphor is used in Song of Solomon to describe the lover’s physical appearance?

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Answer: A Flock of Goats

Details: The lover’s physical appearance is compared to a flock of goats, emphasizing beauty and grace. See

[Song of Solomon 4:1]


31. What significant event does Jeremiah predict in Jeremiah 25?

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Answer: The Babylonian Exile

Details: Jeremiah predicts that Judah will face 70 years of exile in Babylon as a consequence of their disobedience. See

[Jeremiah 25:11]


32. In the Book of Isaiah, what is described as the “fruit of righteousness”?

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Answer: Peace

Details: Isaiah describes the “fruit of righteousness” as bringing about peace and quietness. See

[Isaiah 32:17]


33. What does the Book of Ecclesiastes say about the value of work?

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Answer: It is Vain and Perishing

Details: Ecclesiastes reflects on the vanity of labor and the eventual loss of its value over time. See

[Ecclesiastes 2:18-19]


34. How is the bride in Song of Solomon described in terms of her eyes?

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Answer: Dove’s Eyes

Details: The bride’s eyes are described as “dove’s eyes,” symbolizing purity and gentleness. See

[Song of Solomon 1:15]


35. What does the Book of Lamentations say about God’s compassion?

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Answer: It is Unfailing

Details: Lamentations emphasizes that God’s compassion never fails and is a source of hope even in despair. See

[Lamentations 3:22-23]


36. What does the Book of Isaiah say about the “wolf and the lamb” in the future kingdom?

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Answer: They Will Dwell Together in Peace

Details: Isaiah prophesies that in the future kingdom of God, natural enemies like the wolf and the lamb will live in harmony. See

[Isaiah 11:6]


37. What does Jeremiah compare to a broken cistern in Jeremiah 2?

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Answer: Israel’s Idolatry

Details: Jeremiah uses the metaphor of a broken cistern to describe the futility and emptiness of Israel’s idolatry. See

[Jeremiah 2:13]


38. In Song of Solomon, what is the lover’s hair compared to?

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Answer: A Flock of Goats

Details: The lover’s hair is compared to a flock of goats descending from Mount Gilead, symbolizing its beauty. See

[Song of Solomon 4:1]


39. What does the Book of Ecclesiastes suggest is the best way to enjoy life?

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Answer: To Eat, Drink, and Be Joyful

Details: Ecclesiastes suggests that enjoying simple pleasures and being content with what one has is a way to find joy in life. See

[Ecclesiastes 3:12-13]


40. What does Song of Solomon 2:16 say about the beloved’s relationship with the lover?

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Answer: My Beloved is Mine, and I am His

Details: This verse emphasizes the mutual belonging and deep connection between the beloved and the lover. See

[Song of Solomon 2:16]


41. What is the key message of the “Watchman” role in Jeremiah 6?

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Answer: To Warn of Impending Danger

Details: Jeremiah is described as a watchman who warns the people of impending judgment and danger. See

[Jeremiah 6:17]


42. How does Isaiah describe the new heavens and new earth?

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Answer: Filled with Joy and Peace

Details: Isaiah prophesies that the new heavens and new earth will be characterized by joy, peace

, and God’s blessings. See

[Isaiah 65:17]


43. In the Book of Ecclesiastes, what is said to be “better than one”?

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Answer: Two

Details: Ecclesiastes states that “two are better than one” because they can support and help each other. See

[Ecclesiastes 4:9-12]


44. How is love described in Song of Solomon 8:7?

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Answer: Strong as Death

Details: Love is described as being “strong as death,” emphasizing its powerful and unbreakable nature. See

[Song of Solomon 8:7]


45. What is the symbolic meaning of the “broken cistern” in Jeremiah 2?

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Answer: The Futility of Idolatry

Details: The “broken cistern” symbolizes the emptiness and futility of idolatry and turning away from God. See

[Jeremiah 2:13]


46. What does Isaiah 53:5 prophesy about the Messiah’s suffering?

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Answer: He Was Pierced for Our Transgressions

Details: Isaiah 53:5 prophesies that the Messiah will be pierced for our transgressions and wounded for our iniquities. See

[Isaiah 53:5]


47. How does the Book of Lamentations describe the downfall of Jerusalem?

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Answer: As a Result of God’s Wrath

Details: The downfall of Jerusalem is described as being the result of God’s righteous anger against the people’s sins. See

[Lamentations 2:1-5]


48. What does the Book of Ecclesiastes say about the pursuit of pleasure?

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Answer: It is Ultimately Meaningless

Details: Ecclesiastes reflects on the pursuit of pleasure as ultimately meaningless and fleeting. See

[Ecclesiastes 2:1-11]


49. In Song of Solomon, what is the bride’s physical appearance compared to?

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Answer: A Flock of Sheep

Details: The bride’s appearance is compared to a flock of sheep, symbolizing purity and beauty. See

[Song of Solomon 6:6]


50. What does Jeremiah 29:11 promise to the exiles in Babylon?

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Answer: A Hope and a Future

Details: Jeremiah 29:11 promises that God has plans to give the exiles a hope and a future, despite their current suffering. See

[Jeremiah 29:11]


51. What does Isaiah 40:3 prophesy about the preparation for the Lord’s coming?

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Answer: A Voice Crying in the Wilderness

Details: Isaiah 40:3 prophesies a voice crying in the wilderness to prepare the way for the Lord. See

[Isaiah 40:3]


52. How is the bride’s skin described in Song of Solomon 1:5?

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Answer: Dark Yet Lovely

Details: The bride describes her skin as dark but lovely, reflecting her unique beauty. See

[Song of Solomon 1:5]


53. What lesson does the “potter’s house” parable teach in Jeremiah 18?

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Answer: God’s Ability to Re-shape Nations

Details: The parable teaches that God, like a potter, has the ability to reshape nations and individuals according to His will. See

[Jeremiah 18:1-6]


54. What does the Book of Lamentations emphasize about the importance of repentance?

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Answer: It is Crucial for Restoration

Details: Lamentations emphasizes that repentance is essential for receiving God’s mercy and restoration. See

[Lamentations 3:40-41]


55. What does Ecclesiastes say about the pursuit of riches?

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Answer: It is Futile

Details: Ecclesiastes reflects on the pursuit of wealth as ultimately futile and unfulfilling. See

[Ecclesiastes 5:10]


56. How is the lover’s voice described in Song of Solomon 2:14?

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Answer: Sweet

Details: The lover’s voice is described as sweet and inviting, enhancing the romantic imagery of the text. See

[Song of Solomon 2:14]


57. In Isaiah 61, what is the Messiah anointed to do?

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Answer: Proclaim Good News to the Poor

Details: Isaiah 61 prophesies that the Messiah will be anointed to bring good news to the poor and heal the brokenhearted. See

[Isaiah 61:1]


58. What does Jeremiah say about the false prophets in Jeremiah 23?

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Answer: They Mislead the People

Details: Jeremiah condemns the false prophets for misleading the people and not speaking the truth. See

[Jeremiah 23:16]


59. How is the beauty of the beloved described in Song of Solomon 5:10?

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Answer: Radiant

Details: The beloved is described as radiant, emphasizing her exceptional beauty and allure. See

[Song of Solomon 5:10]


60. What is the significance of the “tree of life” in Ecclesiastes?

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Answer: Symbol of Wisdom

Details: The “tree of life” is a symbol of wisdom and the rewards of living a life in harmony with God’s will. See

[Ecclesiastes 12:12]


61. What does the Book of Lamentations say about God’s presence during suffering?

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Answer: God is Present and Compassionate

Details: Lamentations acknowledges that even in suffering, God’s presence is compassionate and caring. See

[Lamentations 3:31-33]


62. How does the Book of Isaiah describe the future restoration of Jerusalem?

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Answer: Glorious and Joyful

Details: Isaiah describes the future restoration of Jerusalem as a time of glory and joy, where God will dwell among His people. See

[Isaiah 60:1-3]


63. What does Jeremiah 31:33 say about the nature of the new covenant?

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Answer: It Will Be Written on Hearts

Details: Jeremiah 31:33 prophesies that the new covenant will be written on the hearts of the people, indicating a more intimate relationship with God. See

[Jeremiah 31:33]


64. What does Song of Solomon 7:10 reveal about the relationship between the lovers?

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Answer: The Beloved Desires the Lover

Details: This verse expresses the deep desire and affection the beloved has for the lover, reflecting the intensity of their love. See

[Song of Solomon 7:10]


65. What does the Book of Ecclesiastes say about the inevitability of death?

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Answer: It is Certain and Inescapable

Details: Ecclesiastes reflects on death as an inevitable part of life, emphasizing its certainty and the limitations it imposes on human endeavors. See

[Ecclesiastes 3:19]


66. How does the Book of Lamentations address the concept of hope amidst suffering?

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Answer: Through God’s Faithfulness

Details: Lamentations finds hope amidst suffering by emphasizing God’s faithfulness and the renewal of His mercies. See

[Lamentations 3:22-23]


67. What does the Book of Isaiah say about the “desert” and its transformation?

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Answer: It Will Bloom and Rejoice

Details: Isaiah prophesies that the desert will transform into a place of blooming and rejoicing, symbolizing renewal and blessing. See

[Isaiah 35:1-2]


68. How is the beauty of the bride described in Song of Solomon 6:10?

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Answer: As an Army with Banners

Details: The bride is described as “an army with banners,” reflecting her strength and majesty. See

[Song of Solomon 6:10]


69. What does the Book of Jeremiah say about the “potter’s wheel” in relation to God’s sovereignty?

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Answer: God Shapes and Molds Nations

Details: The potter’s wheel symbolizes God’s control and ability to shape and mold nations and individuals according to His will. See

[Jeremiah 18:6]


70. What does the Book of Ecclesiastes say about the pursuit of knowledge?

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Answer: It Can Increase Grief

Details: Ecclesiastes notes that the pursuit of knowledge can lead to increased sorrow and frustration. See

[Ecclesiastes 1:18]


71. How does the Book of Isaiah describe the “suffering servant” in Isaiah 53?

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Answer: He Will Bear Our Suffering

Details: Isaiah 53 describes the “suffering servant” as one who will bear our suffering and be wounded for our transgressions, providing atonement. See

[Isaiah 53:4-5]


72. What does the Book of Lamentations say about the importance of seeking God?

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Answer: It is Essential for Deliverance

Details: Lamentations underscores that seeking God with repentance is crucial for receiving His deliverance and mercy. See

[Lamentations 3:40]


73. What is the message of Ecclesiastes regarding the enjoyment of life’s blessings?

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Answer: Enjoy Them with Gratitude

Details: Ecclesiastes encourages enjoying life’s blessings with a sense of gratitude and recognizing them as gifts from God. See

[Ecclesiastes 3:13]


74. How is the bride’s beauty described in Song of Solomon 7:1?

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Answer: Like the Tread of a Camel

Details: The bride’s beauty is described in vivid terms, comparing her to the tread of a camel, highlighting her grace and attractiveness. See

[Song of Solomon 7:1]


75. What does the Book of Jeremiah say about the “desolate land” in relation to sin?

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Answer: It is a Result of Sin

Details: The desolation of the land is portrayed as a consequence of the people’s sin and disobedience. See

[Jeremiah 4:27]


76. What does the Book of Isaiah say about the “city of God” in the future?

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Answer: It Will Be a Place of Righteousness and Peace

Details: Isaiah prophesies that the future “city of God” will be characterized by righteousness, peace, and God’s presence. See

[Isaiah 1:26]


77. How is the beloved’s beauty described in Song of Solomon 1:16?

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Answer: Lovely

Details: The beloved is described as “lovely,” reflecting her attractiveness and the admiration she inspires. See

[Song of Solomon 1:16]


78. What does the Book of Ecclesiastes say about the futility of human effort?

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Answer: It is Like Chasing the Wind

Details: Ecclesiastes compares the futility of human efforts and ambitions to “chasing the wind,” indicating their elusive and insubstantial nature. See

[Ecclesiastes 1:14]


79. How does the Book of Lamentations describe God’s response to the suffering of His people?

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Answer: God Sees and Knows Their Pain

Details: Lamentations describes God as being aware of and deeply understanding the suffering of His people. See

[Lamentations 3:34-36]


80. What does the Book of Isaiah say about the “Messiah’s reign”?

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Answer: It Will Be Just and Righteous

Details: Isaiah prophesies that the Messiah’s reign will be characterized by justice and righteousness, ensuring fairness and equity. See

[Isaiah 9:7]


81. How is the beloved’s appearance described in Song of Solomon 6:7?

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Answer: Like a Pomegranate

Details: The beloved’s appearance is compared to the inside of a pomegranate, symbolizing her beauty and allure. See

[Song of Solomon 6:7]


82. What does the Book of Jeremiah say about the “new covenant” in relation to the law?

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Answer: It Will Be Written on Hearts

Details: Jeremiah prophesies that the new covenant will involve God’s law being written on the hearts of the people, indicating a more intimate and internal relationship. See

[Jeremiah 31



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