bible quiz questions with answers

Dive Deeper into the Scriptures with Our Ultimate Bible Trivia Quiz! 🕊️✨ Are you ready to test your knowledge of the Bible beyond the basics? Challenge yourself with 70 thought-provoking questions that explore the rich narratives and historical details of 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Ezra, and Nehemiah.

From prophetic revelations to pivotal reforms, discover how well you know these fascinating books of the Bible. Click through to see if you can master these intricate details and strengthen your understanding of God’s word. Let’s get started!

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bible questions with answers for kids

1. In 2 Kings, which king of Judah sought help from Egypt to fight against the Assyrians and was subsequently defeated?

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Answer: Jehoiakim

Details: Jehoiakim, the king of Judah, sought assistance from Egypt against the Assyrians but was ultimately defeated. This is detailed in

[2 Kings 24.1]


2. In 2 Kings, who was the prophet that succeeded Elijah and performed miracles including healing Naaman of leprosy?

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Answer: Elisha

Details: Elisha succeeded Elijah and performed several miracles, including healing Naaman, a commander from Aram, of leprosy. This is detailed in

[2 Kings 5.1-14]


3. In 1 Chronicles, which descendant of Judah was known for his impressive military victories and was anointed as king by Samuel?

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Answer: David

Details: David, a descendant of Judah, was known for his military successes and was anointed king by Samuel. This is detailed in

[1 Chronicles 11.1-3]


4. In 2 Chronicles, which king of Judah built the Temple in Jerusalem and was known for his wisdom and wealth?

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Answer: Solomon

Details: Solomon, known for his wisdom, wealth, and the construction of the Temple in Jerusalem, is a significant figure in 2 Chronicles. This is detailed in

[2 Chronicles 3.1]


5. In Ezra, who was the Persian king that issued a decree allowing the Jews to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the Temple?

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Answer: Cyrus the Great

Details: Cyrus the Great issued a decree allowing the Jews to return to their land and rebuild the Temple, fulfilling a prophecy. This is detailed in

[Ezra 1.1-4]


6. In 2 Kings, which king of Israel was known for his dramatic encounter with the prophet Elisha, which resulted in the prophecy of Israel’s downfall?

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Answer: Jehu

Details: Jehu, anointed king of Israel by Elisha, was prophesied to bring about the downfall of Ahab’s house and was instrumental in eradicating Baal worship. This is detailed in

[2 Kings 9.1-37]


7. In 1 Chronicles, who was the chief musician appointed by David to lead the worship in the Temple?

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Answer: Asaph

Details: Asaph was appointed by David to lead the musical worship in the Temple. He and his descendants were given the role of leading worship. This is detailed in

[1 Chronicles 6.39]


8. In 2 Chronicles, which king of Judah did God promise would not see the disaster coming upon Jerusalem because of his faithfulness?

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Answer: Hezekiah

Details: God promised King Hezekiah that he would not witness the destruction of Jerusalem due to his faithfulness and reforms. This is detailed in

[2 Chronicles 32.24-26]


9. In Ezra, who was the scribe and priest that played a key role in the religious reforms and the reading of the Law to the people?

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Answer: Ezra

Details: Ezra was a scribe and priest who led the people in reading and understanding the Law after their return from exile. This is detailed in

[Ezra 7.6-10]


10. In 2 Kings, which prophet performed the miracle of multiplying oil for a widow, saving her from debt?

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Answer: Elisha

Details: Elisha performed the miracle of multiplying a widow’s oil, providing her with enough to pay her debts and live on. This is detailed in

[2 Kings 4.1-7]


11. In 1 Chronicles, which of David’s sons attempted to seize the throne and was eventually defeated by Solomon?

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Answer: Adonijah

Details: Adonijah attempted to take the throne from Solomon but was eventually defeated, and Solomon was confirmed as king. This is detailed in

[1 Chronicles 29.22]


12. In 2 Chronicles, which king of Judah was known for his disastrous alliance with Ahab of Israel, leading to his downfall?

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Answer: Jehoshaphat

Details: Jehoshaphat’s alliance with Ahab led to his involvement in a disastrous campaign and nearly resulted in his death. This is detailed in

[2 Chronicles 18.1-34]


13. In Ezra, what was the major obstacle faced by the returning exiles as they began to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem?

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Answer: Opposition from surrounding enemies

Details: The returning exiles faced opposition from neighboring peoples who tried to hinder the reconstruction of the Temple. This is detailed in

[Ezra 4.1-5]


14. In 2 Kings, which king was struck with leprosy after unlawfully burning incense in the Temple?

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Answer: Uzziah

Details: King Uzziah was struck with leprosy as a punishment for entering the Temple and burning incense, an act reserved for priests. This is detailed in

[2 Kings 15.5]


15. In 1 Chronicles, what specific role did the tribe of Levi have in relation to the Temple?

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Answer: They were responsible for the Temple’s service and worship

Details: The Levites were assigned the tasks of ministering in the Temple, including the care of its instruments and leading worship. This is detailed in

[1 Chronicles 23.28-32]


16. In 2 Chronicles, which king of Judah was known for his reforms that included removing idols and reinstituting worship of Yahweh?

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Answer: Josiah

Details: Josiah enacted significant religious reforms, removing idols and restoring the worship of Yahweh in Judah. This is detailed in

[2 Chronicles 34.3-7]


17. In Ezra, which Persian king provided financial support for the rebuilding of the Temple and restoration of Jerusalem?

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Answer: Darius

Details: King Darius reaffirmed Cyrus’s decree, providing funds and support for the rebuilding of the Temple and restoration efforts. This is detailed in

[Ezra 6.1-12]


18. In 2 Kings, which prophet prophesied the death of Jezebel and the destruction of her lineage?

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Answer: Elijah

Details: Elijah prophesied the violent death of Jezebel and the end of Ahab’s dynasty, which came to pass during Jehu’s reign. This is detailed in

[2 Kings 9.30-37]


19. In 1 Chronicles, what was the primary focus of the genealogical records listed in the early chapters?

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Answer: To establish the lineage and heritage of the tribes of Israel

Details: The genealogical records were focused on establishing the heritage and lineage of the tribes of Israel, emphasizing their connections to the covenant promises. This is detailed in

[1 Chronicles 1-9]


20. In 2 Chronicles, what significant event occurred during the reign of King Manasseh that led to his later repentance?

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Answer: His captivity by the Assyrians

Details: Manasseh’s captivity by the Assyrians led to his repentance and turning back to God, marking a dramatic change in his reign. This is detailed in

[2 Chronicles 33.11-13]


21. In Ezra, what was the response of the people when Ezra read the Law and they realized their sins?

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Answer: They wept and confessed their sins

Details: Upon hearing the Law read by Ezra, the people wept and confessed their sins, acknowledging their need for repentance. This is detailed in

[Nehemiah 8.9]


22. In 2 Kings, which king of Judah was saved from an Assyrian siege by an angel of the Lord who struck down 185,000 Assyrian soldiers?

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Answer: Hezekiah

Details: King Hezekiah was miraculously saved from an Assyrian siege by an angel who struck down 185,000 Assyrian soldiers. This is detailed in

[2 Kings 19.35]


23. In 1 Chronicles, which city did David capture and make the political and spiritual center of Israel?

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Answer: Jerusalem

Details: David captured Jerusalem and made it the political and spiritual center of Israel, establishing it as the city of David. This is detailed in

[1 Chronicles 11.4-7]


24. In 2 Chronicles, which king of Judah is noted for his extensive building projects and alliances with neighboring kings?

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Answer: Uzziah

Details: King Uzziah is noted for his extensive building projects and alliances with neighboring kingdoms, which contributed to Judah’s prosperity. This is detailed in

[2 Chronicles 26.1-15]


25. In Ezra, what specific instruction did King Cyrus give regarding the Temple vessels that had been taken to Babylon?

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Answer: He instructed that they be returned to Jerusalem

Details: King Cyrus instructed that the vessels taken from the Temple in Jerusalem be returned for use in the reconstruction of the Temple. This is detailed in

[Ezra 1.7-8]


26. In 2 Kings, which prophet performed the miracle of raising a dead boy to life?

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Answer: Elisha

Details: Elisha performed the miracle of raising the son of the Shunammite woman to life, demonstrating his prophetic power. This is detailed in

[2 Kings 4.32-37]


27. In 1 Chronicles, what was the purpose of the census taken by David, which led to divine displeasure?

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Answer: To count the fighting men of Israel

Details: David’s census aimed to count the fighting men of Israel, which led to divine displeasure due to his reliance on military strength rather than God. This is detailed in

[1 Chronicles 21.1-17]


28. In 2 Chronicles, which king of Judah built a high place for worship of Baal, leading to significant reform by his successor?

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Answer: Ahaz

Details: King Ahaz built high places for Baal worship, which was opposed by his successor Hezekiah who enacted significant religious reforms. This is detailed in

[2 Chronicles 28.1-4]


29. In Ezra, which group of people helped the returning exiles with the rebuilding of the altar and the Temple?

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Answer: The Levites and priests

Details: The Levites and priests assisted the returning exiles in rebuilding the altar and the Temple, ensuring proper worship practices. This is detailed in

[Ezra 3.1-6]


30. In 2 Kings, which prophet prophesied against the false prophets and the worship of the golden calves in Israel?

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Answer: Amos

Details: Amos prophesied against the false prophets and the worship of the golden calves, denouncing the idolatry in Israel. This is detailed in

[Amos 1.1]


31. In 1 Chronicles, what was the primary focus of David’s preparations for the building of the Temple?

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Answer: Gathering materials and planning

Details: David focused on gathering materials and making plans for the construction of the Temple, which his son Solomon would complete. This is detailed in

[1 Chronicles 22.2-19]


32. In 2 Chronicles, which king of Judah was noted for his strong military achievements and the fortification of Jerusalem?

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Answer: Uzziah

Details: Uzziah was known for his military successes and efforts to fortify Jerusalem, contributing to Judah’s strength and stability. This is detailed in

[2 Chronicles 26.1-15]


33. In Ezra, what was the name of the Persian governor who opposed the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the Temple?

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Answer: Tattenai

Details: Tattenai was a Persian governor who opposed the rebuilding efforts and questioned the legitimacy of the returned exiles’ work. This is detailed in

[Ezra 5.3-17]


34. In 2 Kings, which king of Israel was known for his extreme wickedness and persecution of the prophets?

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Answer: Ahab

Details: King Ahab was notorious for his extreme wickedness, including the persecution of prophets and leading Israel into idolatry. This is detailed in

[1 Kings 16.30-33]


35. In 1 Chronicles, who was the commander of David’s army and one of his mighty men?

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Answer: Joab

Details: Joab was the commander of David’s army and one of his chief military leaders, known for his strategic prowess. This is detailed in

[1 Chronicles 11.6]


36. In 2 Chronicles, which king of Judah sought help from Assyria instead of relying on God, leading to his defeat?

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Answer: Ahaz

Details: King Ahaz sought help from Assyria rather than relying on God, which led to further problems and ultimately his defeat. This is detailed in

[2 Chronicles 28.16-21]


37. In Ezra, who was the high priest that helped in the restoration of the altar and led the people in the rebuilding efforts?

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Answer: Joshua

Details: Joshua, the high priest, played a significant role in restoring the altar and leading the rebuilding of the Temple. This is detailed in

[Ezra 3.2]


38. In 2 Kings, which prophet foretold the end of Ahab’s dynasty and the manner of Jezebel’s death?

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Answer: Elijah

Details: Elijah prophesied the end of Ahab’s dynasty and the violent death of Jezebel, which came to fruition during Jehu’s reign. This is detailed in

[2 Kings 9.30-37]


39. In 1 Chronicles, what was the significance of the genealogies listed from Adam to the return from exile?

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Answer: They established the ancestral lineage and covenant promises of Israel

Details: The genealogies were significant in establishing Israel’s ancestral lineage and reaffirming the covenant promises made to their forefathers. This is detailed in

[1 Chronicles 1-9]


40. In 2 Chronicles, which king of Judah reigned during a time of significant reform and restoration, including the repair of the Temple?

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Answer: Joash

Details: King Joash initiated significant reforms, including repairing the Temple, and restored proper worship practices in Judah. This is detailed in

[2 Chronicles 24.4-14]


41. In Ezra, what was the primary reason for the delay in the completion of the Temple’s reconstruction?

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Answer: Opposition and political interference

Details: The reconstruction of the Temple was delayed due to opposition from neighboring peoples and political interference from local authorities. This is detailed in

[Ezra 4.4-5]


42. In 2 Kings, which prophet was instrumental in predicting the siege and eventual fall of Samaria to the Assyrians?

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Answer: Isaiah

Details: The prophet Isaiah played a significant role in predicting the siege and fall of Samaria, providing a divine perspective on Israel’s impending judgment. This is detailed in

[Isaiah 7.1]


43. In 1 Chronicles, who was the chief architect and overseer of the Temple’s construction under Solomon?

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Answer: Hiram of Tyre

Details: Hiram of Tyre was a chief architect and craftsman who worked with Solomon in constructing the Temple, providing skilled craftsmanship and materials. This is detailed in

[1 Chronicles 22.15]


44. In 2 Chronicles, which king of Judah was known for his reforms, including the removal of high places and restoration of proper worship?

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Answer: Hezekiah

Details: King Hezekiah was noted for his comprehensive reforms, including the removal of high places and the restoration of proper worship in Judah. This is detailed in

[2 Chronicles 29.3-36]


45. In Ezra, which prophet’s message encouraged the people to complete the rebuilding of the Temple despite the opposition?

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Answer: Haggai

Details: The prophet Haggai encouraged the people to continue and complete the rebuilding of the Temple, despite the opposition and delays. This is detailed in

[Haggai 1.1-15]


46. In 2 Kings, who was the king of Israel during the time of Elisha’s ministry and the miraculous healing of Naaman?

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Answer: Jehoram

Details: Jehoram was the king of Israel during Elisha’s ministry, including the miracle of Naaman’s healing from leprosy. This is detailed in

[2 Kings 5.1]


47. In 1 Chronicles, what was the primary purpose of the detailed listing of the Levites’ duties and responsibilities?

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Answer: To organize and establish the religious service in the Temple

Details: The listing of Levites’ duties aimed to organize and establish the religious services and responsibilities within the Temple worship. This is detailed in

[1 Chronicles 23.24-32]


48. In 2 Chronicles, which king of Judah was the son of Ahaz and made significant reforms including the removal of idolatry?

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Answer: Hezekiah

Details: Hezekiah, the son of Ahaz, made significant religious reforms by removing idolatry and reinstating proper worship of God. This is detailed in

[2 Chronicles 29.3-36]


49. In Ezra, which festival did the Israelites celebrate upon the completion of the Temple’s reconstruction?

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Answer: The Passover

Details: The completion of the Temple’s reconstruction was celebrated with the festival of Passover, marking a return to traditional worship practices. This is detailed in

[Ezra 6.19-22]


50. In 2 Kings, who was the king of Judah that reigned as a child and was protected by the high priest during his early years?

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Answer: Joash

Details: King Joash, reigning as a child, was protected and hidden by the high priest Jehoiada until he was old enough to rule. This is detailed in

[2 Kings 11.1-3]


51. In 1 Chronicles, what significant role did the descendants of Asaph play in the Temple worship?

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Answer: They were appointed as singers and musicians

Details: The descendants of Asaph were appointed as singers and musicians responsible for leading worship in the Temple. This is detailed in

[1 Chronicles 25.1-31]


52. In 2 Chronicles, which king of Judah was known for his allegiance to God and his efforts to restore the worship practices of Israel?

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Answer: Josiah

Details: King Josiah was noted for his strong allegiance to God and efforts to restore proper worship practices in Judah, including significant religious reforms. This is detailed in

[2 Chronicles 34.1-33]


53. In Ezra, which Persian king confirmed and expanded Cyrus’s decree allowing the Jews to rebuild Jerusalem?

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Answer: Darius

Details: King Darius confirmed and expanded upon Cyrus’s decree, providing additional support and resources for the rebuilding of Jerusalem. This is detailed in

[Ezra 6.1-12]


54. In 2 Kings, which prophet’s prophecy resulted in the end of the reign of the house of Omri in Israel?

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Answer: Elijah

Details: Elijah’s prophecy foretold the end of the house of Omri, which came to pass with Jehu’s uprising against Ahab’s descendants. This is detailed in

[1 Kings 21.21-29]


55. In 1 Chronicles, what was the role of the gatekeepers in the Temple service?

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Answer: To guard and manage the entryways of the Temple

Details: The gatekeepers were responsible for guarding and managing the entryways of the Temple, ensuring its security and sanctity. This is detailed in

[1 Chronicles 9.17-27]


56. In 2 Chronicles, which king of Judah was known for his alliance with the northern kingdom of Israel and his involvement in battles with neighboring nations?

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Answer: Jehoshaphat

Details: King Jehoshaphat of Judah formed alliances with the northern kingdom of Israel and was involved in various battles with neighboring nations. This is detailed in

[2 Chronicles 18.1-34]


57. In Ezra, which Persian king’s decree initiated the return of the exiles to Jerusalem and the rebuilding of the Temple?

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Answer: Cyrus

Details: King Cyrus issued the decree allowing the Jews to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the Temple, marking the beginning of their restoration. This is detailed in

[Ezra 1.1-4]


58. In 2 Kings, which king of Israel is noted for his partial reform and attempts to follow the Lord despite continued idolatry?

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Answer: Jehu

Details: Jehu is noted for his partial reform, including the destruction of Baal worship, but continued to allow other forms of idolatry. This is detailed in

[2 Kings 10.28-31]


59. In 1 Chronicles, what significant event took place involving David’s desire to build a Temple for God?

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Answer: God did not allow David to build the Temple but allowed Solomon to do so

Details: Although David desired to build a Temple for God, he was not permitted to do so; instead, Solomon, his son, was chosen to complete the construction. This is detailed in

[1 Chronicles 22.7-10]


60. In 2 Chronicles, which king of Judah is noted for his extensive construction projects and military strength, including fortifying cities?

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Answer: Uzziah

Details: King Uzziah is noted for his extensive construction projects, military strength, and efforts to fortify cities, contributing to Judah’s prosperity. This is detailed in

[2 Chronicles 26.1-15]


Certainly! Here is the continuation and completion of the trivia quiz for the next four books after 1 Kings:

61. In Ezra, which leader was instrumental in the spiritual revival of the people upon their return from exile?

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Answer: Ezra

Details: Ezra played a key role in the spiritual revival of the Israelites, teaching the Law and guiding the people in repentance and commitment to God’s commands. This is detailed in

[Ezra 7.10]


62. In 2 Kings, which prophet was taken up to heaven in a whirlwind, leaving his mantle to Elisha?

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Answer: Elijah

Details: Elijah was taken up to heaven in a whirlwind, and his mantle was passed to Elisha, signifying the transfer of prophetic authority. This is detailed in

[2 Kings 2.11-13]


63. In 1 Chronicles, who were the chief musicians appointed to lead worship in the Temple under David’s instructions?

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Answer: Asaph, Heman, and Jeduthun

Details: Asaph, Heman, and Jeduthun were appointed as chief musicians to lead worship and singing in the Temple, overseeing the music ministry. This is detailed in

[1 Chronicles 25.1-6]


64. In 2 Chronicles, which king of Judah is known for his extensive reforms including the cleansing of the Temple and reinstitution of the Passover?

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Answer: Hezekiah

Details: King Hezekiah is renowned for his reforms, which included cleansing the Temple and reinstituting the Passover, restoring proper worship practices. This is detailed in

[2 Chronicles 29.1-36]


65. In Ezra, what was the major concern of the letter written by the local adversaries to King Artaxerxes regarding the rebuilding of Jerusalem?

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Answer: They claimed that the rebuilding would lead to rebellion and loss of revenue for the Persian Empire

Details: The adversaries warned King Artaxerxes that the rebuilding of Jerusalem could lead to rebellion against Persian rule and financial loss. This is detailed in

[Ezra 4.12-16]


66. In 2 Kings, which prophet was known for his confrontation with the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel?

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Answer: Elijah

Details: Elijah confronted the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel, challenging their gods and demonstrating the power of Yahweh. This is detailed in

[1 Kings 18.20-40]


67. In 1 Chronicles, what significant role did the sons of Korah play in the Temple worship?

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Answer: They were appointed as gatekeepers and musicians

Details: The sons of Korah were appointed as gatekeepers and musicians, playing a significant role in managing the Temple’s worship activities. This is detailed in

[1 Chronicles 9.19-22]


68. In 2 Chronicles, which king of Judah was known for his extensive military campaigns and building projects, including fortifying Jerusalem?

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Answer: Uzziah

Details: King Uzziah is noted for his military achievements and significant building projects, including fortifying Jerusalem and expanding Judah’s influence. This is detailed in

[2 Chronicles 26.1-15]


69. In Ezra, which prophet provided encouragement to the people to resume the work on the Temple after it had been halted?

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Answer: Haggai

Details: The prophet Haggai encouraged the people to resume work on the Temple after it had been halted due to opposition and discouragement. This is detailed in

[Haggai 1.1-15]


70. In 2 Kings, which prophet succeeded Elijah and performed miracles such as multiplying oil and raising the dead?

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Answer: Elisha

Details: Elisha succeeded Elijah and performed numerous miracles, including the multiplication of oil and raising a boy from the dead, demonstrating his prophetic power. This is detailed in

[2 Kings 4.1-37]




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